Creevey Tuesday: Nimbus 9Million

Today you’re getting FOUR magical photos. Four? But that’s so many! Yes, well. That’s the number of members I saw perform as Nimbus 9Million, and I don’t want to leave anybody out.

I saw these guys perform in Lodi, NJ back in 2008 as part of a Wizard’s Ball that included DJ Luna Lovegood, Kingsley and the Shacklebolts, The Order of Merlin, Snidget (me), Bella and le Strangers, Madam Pince and the Librarians, Swish and Flick, and Hawthorn and Holly. But Nimbus 9Million really stand out in my memory as being an incredible surprise. They were a full band which is always a joy to see live, and rare for wizard rock.

Nimbus 9million had some really catchy melodies, switched instruments several times, and just generally seemed to be having a really good time. There is video proof that I danced pretty hard to their set. It may have been their first live concert (it’s hard to find documentation from that far back now that Myspace is gone), but at least a little media from that night lives on!

So, does anybody still have a copy of their album “Instant Snitch Victory” or any of their singles/demos? Their music is definitely missed.

One response to “Creevey Tuesday: Nimbus 9Million”

  1. Michael Mahoney Avatar
    Michael Mahoney

    Nimbus 9Million was a definite treat. I listened to music via MySpace a lot back in the day. They had a song titled “Felix Felicitas” which may still be among my personal favorites as far as catchy wizard rock goes.

    I look them up every couple of years, hoping that their music has been uncovered (I am in fact the one who commented on that Youtube link). Maybe one day we’ll get lucky.

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