Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: February 2021

A "Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Jams" sweets label with red and white stripes and the text on a yellow scroll.

It’s time for another Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam, the creative prompt party where you never know what’s coming next, but you know it’s going to be full of artistic flavor. Read on to see some great artistic creations, and be sure to keep going all the way to the end of the post to see what this month’s theme is! Here’s a hint: it’s a playful one. 😉

January’s theme was divination, and I couldn’t foresee the cool submissions we would get for last month’s jam! Let’s pull back the curtain and see what we find.

Kicking things off is BBEFJ regular TK from Totally Knuts, bringing some lovely poetry to the table. These gentle haikus capture the spirits of the golden trio wonderfully and are sure to make you smile.

Hermione G
Doesn’t believe the worth of
Divination Class

Ron will be the one
To ask about the house-elves
Hermione smiles

Harry Potter is
More than just the boy who lived
He is family

Beautiful! I love the number of different creative ways people respond to these prompts. Christie from 142 Staircases is next up, flexing their visual art muscles and creating this AMAZING wizard rock tarot card. I can’t get over how alive this art feels! The lightning bolt sound indicators just feel so dynamic, and that power stance is nothing short of magic. Plus, the custom lightning bolt guitar (with a heart-shaped sound hole) feels like an instrument any wizard rocker would dream of having. Amazing job, Christie! Can’t wait to see the rest of the deck. 😉

A wizard rock tarot card with a rainbow border and a musician playing guitar, with curly hair and a robe, surrounded by stars.

Wrapping up this month’s submissions (for now) is Zoë from Dots and Lines, who has come up with some great song parody lyrics about the challenges of seeing the future! The writing here is impressive even though this is only a partially-complete draft; there are some ten-galleon words in there for sure! For maximum impact, find a karaoke track to “Superman” by Five for Fighting and you can sing along with these new parody lyrics.

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
What I need to find
The inner eye can see

It’s more than a sign
It’s more than a dream
It’s more than some numbers like seven and thirteen
And it’s not easy to prophecy

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
‘Bout a home I’ll never see

It may sound absurd, but it’s up to fate
Though there are some who interrogate
They won’t be deterred, and I won’t debate
Those who prognosticate can make mistakes
And it’s not easy to prophecy

Way up in my tower I can see
It’s not all right
How can you sleep sound tonight
Like you’re not dying or anything

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m not on demand in a silly red sheet
Searching for symbols in this cup of tea
Not on demand in a funny red sheet
Looking for any kind of prophecy

A prophecy, a prophecy, yeah
A prophecy, a prophecy
I’m not on demand in a funny red sheet
I’m not on demand looking for a dream
I’m not on demand in a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy
Oh, it’s not easy to prophecy

Amazing creativity, everyone! I’m pleased you all embraced your inner eye and gifted us with such lovely art to kick off the new year. Don’t worry if you missed the “deadline,” either – you can always comment and add your creation to any previous post. We’d love to see it!

Now as we move ahead, we’re going to have a fun and active February theme: “games.” I’ve had games on the brain all month, so this theme felt like a natural choice. You’re encouraged to respond to the prompt in any way you feel inspired to do so – write a song, edit a video of your best Quidditch moves together, create your own board game, write some poetry about the Department of Magical Games and Sports, 3D print a custom wizard chess piece, or draw some art of an exploding snap game gone wrong. Follow your creative impulses and see where they lead!

As per usual, don’t feel pressured to make anything fancy or polished. A quick sketch or a rough demo or even just a couple of lyrics is totally fine! You’re just encouraged to make something and have fun. I can’t wait to see what you create!

3 responses to “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Jam: February 2021”

  1. Dots and Lines Avatar
    Dots and Lines

    I absolutely love the idea of haiku for these prompts! Mind if I join in?

    Summer afternoons
    A Prince legacy passed down
    Gobstones champions

  2. TK Lawrence Avatar
    TK Lawrence

    My partner and I are working on a Stardew Valley album, so here’s one song from it:

    When Marnie Was There

    I remember when Marnie was there
    Standing behind the counter
    All of the animals under her care
    There’s just something about her

    Verse 1
    I went on a Tuesday
    To buy some hay and cows
    But Marnie was at Pierre’s store
    For the weekly workout
    I thought she’d be there Wednesday
    But to my surprise
    She was taking that day off
    From selling me supplies


    Verse 2
    Thinking that a Thursday
    Might be better yet
    I hoped that she was open
    That she didn’t forget
    That Robin built a barn for me
    In which I could put sheep
    But Marnie wasn’t there again
    I’m starting to lose sleep


    Verse 3
    I dragged myself through Friday
    Bought myself a phone
    I got Marnie’s answering machine
    Saying she wasn’t home
    I lost heart on Friday
    And then the weekend came
    When I saw she wasn’t there
    I caved in and asked Shane


  3. Mermanda Avatar

    Hoping to keep doing these prompts, provided I am gifted with burgeoning talent by the Gernumblies 😀

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