Be a Tree Hugger this #WrockWednesday

I bet you think this means I’m dedicating today’s #WrockWednesday to The Whomping Willows, don’t you? Gotcha! Totally not. Today is about supporting friends of the trees (as much as we love the trees and certain tree-fronted bands). So for today’s #WrockWednesday, I’m going to point you all in the direction of a talented young Wizard Rocker, Tianna of I Speak Tree.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Tianna and was entirely taken in by her spirit, her joy in life, and her overall excited and entertaining personality. Not a few people have mentioned to me at one point or another how impressed they are with her as a musician and Wizard Rocker. So now I’m passing on the word: I Speak Tree is a fun and great band that you should all go listen to!

Follow us on Twitter and to listen to some of her music we throw at you over the day!


4 responses to “Be a Tree Hugger this #WrockWednesday”

  1. Whompy Avatar

    Tianna is one of my favorite people ever and her music is awesome. I am playing a show with her in November and I’m already in fangirl mode. haha.

  2. tiannaweasley Avatar

    AWW. Thank you! This made me so happy. Like, really. It made my Wednesday. This inspires me to write more and love more and rock out more.

    Tianna <33

  3. Freya Avatar

    Tianna is AMAZING. Truefact.

  4. Andrew Avatar

    I’m still a little worried about requesting the extra day off from work right after Wrockstock, but I’m stoked to see her in November if it works out!

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