Doing It The Good Way

It’s pretty fair to say that wizard rock is an inherently good thing. It seems to have seamlessly positive effects, whether in The Remus Lupins‘ motto of “Fight Evil, Read Books”, the tireless efforts of Andrew Slack and The Harry Potter Alliance, or the Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club, which raises thousands of dollars for charity.

And in the spirit of doing good, I had the pleasant fortune of interviewing yet another wrock philanthropist, Madeleine of SPEW fanzine. The acronym stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. She was going to call it “Stop the Outrageous Abuse Against Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status”, but understandably, that just wouldn’t fit.

Madeleine’s a vegan on a mission, inspired by the HP Alliance, who gave her the idea of using the fandom to raise money. She is launching a campaign called Cookies For Kreacher and needs YOUR help! She wants wrock fans to continue in their beautiful tradition of standing up for what they believe in the Muggle world. Participants sell homemade baked goods at wrock concerts and other Harry Potter events, then send the profits to a charity of their choice.

Madeleine has been baking various vegan goodies from the Veganomicon cookbook and will be raising money for Farm Sanctuary, a wonderful organization that rescues and rehabilitates animals from factory farms and advocates for the rights of food animals. She became a vegetarian at eight and a vegan at fourteen and has always loved animals. As soon as she found out about the appalling acts of cruelty that are happening in factory farms, she wanted to become an animal rights activist.

As for people’s reactions to Madeleine’s newfound calling, well, her non-Harry Potter friends think it’s sort of silly, but she, like the rest of us, is getting pretty used to that reaction. Like each and every wrock fan, we sometimes find it hard to explain to non-fans the love and passion that exists in the fandom, all centered around a story about a funny-looking kid who likes to wave a little stick around. But certainly in the wrock community, most people have said it sounds like an awesome idea and wished her luck.

As for now, Cookies For Kreacher want as many wrock fans as possible to get involved. There are only so many cookies Madeleine can sell herself, after all. There is no requirement that it has to be done the same way she’s doing it, of course. You don’t have to sell cookies; the goods do not have to be vegan; each participant may choose whichever organization he or she likes. The main thing is that you do your part and make a difference.

For more information about Cookies For Kreacher, check out the LiveJournal community or contact Madeleine at

5 responses to “Doing It The Good Way”

  1. Kat Avatar

    I love this idea.

  2. elizawriter Avatar

    it’s brilliant, isn’t it?

  3. Dinahsaur Avatar

    Totally jazzed already about doing this! Just don’t know when I’ll actually get a chance… Hahaha

  4. veganwrocker Avatar

    Yay! This is Madeleine… just want to say thank you so much for publishing such a nice article!!

    It’s going quite well – I’ve raised over $70 already, and am planning on selling more today. I’ve actually been getting a wonderful response from people outside the wrock community – so much so that I’ve actually been selling a bunch at school and other non-HP related places (my Mom’s boss just bought a dozen, and I’m selling my second batch at school today). *squeeee!!!*

  5. potterfreak0515 Avatar

    It’s such an awesome cause! I’ve already raised nearly $20 at one of Alex’s shows, and I’ll be selling more at a Tonks and the Aurors show on Friday!

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