Your “Muggles and Wrock”

Not too long ago, I shared with you my experiences with explaining or talking about wizard rock to my Muggle friends and family. I asked all of you for yours, and the response was amazing!

Much like me, many of you seem to have at least a few people in your life that understand and sympathize with your love of wrock, or at least of Harry Potter. I was surprised to see how many have people in their lives that go beyond that, ones who listen to wrock or understand your Harry Potter references. Kate has a friend who is willing to walk into class with her while singing “Voldemort Fangirl”. Klem was canoing with his girlfriend and “passed a field partly obscured in trees that had a bunch of tents in it. [He] said ‘Wow, looks like the triwizard tournament’ and she replied with ‘I hope the death eaters don’t notice us canoing past’.” Joy, a librarian from California, has a husband willing to go to wizard rock shows with her.

Some even live in a bubble of wrock acceptance. As a librarian, wrock is at least technically related to Joy’s job. “The sign outside of my office gives my title as ‘Collection Development and Wizard Rock Librarian’ …I wear wrock shirts to work.” Lucky! Jessie of The Cursebreakers recently started an internship at an independent video game company. As they were getting to know her, “wizard rock came up immediately. At first they were dubious, but when I explained more about the heart and soul and feel of the genre? They were intrigued.” Talking about your interests at work isn’t the only way to reel them in, either. Joy told me that at work, “all of our iTunes are linked and you can make your library public if you choose to. Every wrock CD I own is on my work iTunes. People can’t download music that way, but they can enjoy it. I know people listen to it because they’ll tell me what bands they like or dislike.” Russ of Creevey Crisis also said, “I proudly blast The Mudbloods, Gred & Forge, Whompy, The Weasel King, and a host of other bands at work.”

Jennofwashington works with middle schoolers, “who are all VERY aware that I’m such a nerd I go to HP conventions… and they love that about me.” geekgirl’s friends and family were already prepared. “For years now I played in a band which is dedicated to songs about Twin Peaks, so the concept of expressing your fandom-love in your music is not so strange to the people around me.”

And it’s not just in the workplace, either. Jenna has “converted” one of her friends into a wrock fan, and Kjetil carpools with people who are now subjected to it as part of their regular music rotation. At a school pool party, Zivlok encountered a water slide and thought it looked like the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. “So, every time after that, as I went down I was singing ‘Save Ginny Weasely’ at the top of my lungs. No one else joined in, of course, but at least there were a good 10 people or so who knew what I was singing.”

It seems that for every negative experience we might have, there is another out there that makes me smile. Thanks to everyone that shared their stories with me.

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5 responses to “Your “Muggles and Wrock””

  1. tina. Avatar

    whoa i’d love to check out jenofwashington’s Twin Peaks band…cool!

  2. Zivlok Avatar

    Another great article, as usual. For some reason, though, I liked this one a lot more than all of the others. I guess I just felt like i really empathized and… connected, I guess, with the people being interviewed, you know? It really felt like I knew some of those people…

    Also, props to Kjetil: If you can’t beat ’em, beat ’em harder!

  3. Freya Avatar

    “It really felt like I knew some of those people”

    Maybe because you are one of those people? =)

  4. Zivlok Avatar


  5. Jennofwashingtion Avatar

    my middle schoolers get it.

    some of their parents…not so much. 🙁

    But I keep telling myself that it is ALL about the kids.

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