Adam Dubberly Interview, a Sequel

Since November, the Wizrocklopedia has been shining a spotlight on a wizard rock band every month. December’s Band of the Month was The Mudbloods. Earlier this month, Wizrocklopedian Liz sat down for the second time with Adam Dubberly, whom she interviewed over the summer, to talk wizard rock, literature, and more.

Liz: First and foremost, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to sit down with me again. I really appreciate it.

Adam: No problem. Anyting for the Wizrocklopedia.

Liz: Aww, thanks. So it’s been about a year since you brought your take on wizard rock to myspace, if i recall correctly.

Adam: I’ll believe you. That sounds about right.

Liz: In the first interview you gave, me you said that you (collectively) came up with your songs without having known about the rest of wizard rock. In this past year, what has your impression of the “wrock” scene been? What do you like most about it, etc.?

Adam: My impression of the wiz rock scene; I love it! I’ll admit that I don’t have any albums (Christmas list) but I’m constantly checking out bands or listening to old favorites on myspace. I tend to like the more polished bands (e.g. The Remus Lupins, Hollow Godric) but if you can make up for rough edges with some humor that’s just as good! My new favorite that I’ve been listening to is Firenze and the Centaurs of the Forbidden Forest. I think the thing I like most about the genre is that a) anyone can do it, you just need a spark of creativity and a loyalty to the stories, and b) the community that’s established itself among the bands. People are having wizard rock fests and collaborating and partying. That is pretty awesome.

Liz: Oh, totally. It’s grown into this huge, gigantic thing in just a short amount of time. Harry and the Potters have had huge shows for awhile now, but in just the past few months I’ve seen crowds at other wizard rock shows double. It’s amazing. You guys have played a few shows now. How has the response to your live performances been?

The Mudbloods Halloween Show Oct. 29th, 2006 Adam: Great, I love doing the shows live. We don’t do many because of geography and time and whatnot but when we do we make a big production out of it. The Halloween show was so cool. A big crowd and a lot of friends and I dont know… that’s the real thrill to me. Playing the music live.

Liz: Definitely. Do you have any plans for shows or touring in the future?

Adam: Hopefully, a tour would be sweet. But also, like I said, we like to do big shows with lots of planning and spectacle so… I’d love to do a tour if it’s feasible but it would be a totally new experience. What would be really great is to play some joint dates with a band that’s already on tour somewhere maybe. TRL? Call me, Alex.

Liz: Hahaha. Which brings me to an appropriately timed question, if you could play with any other wizard rock band(s) who would you choose?

Adam: Oh man, umm. That’s so hard. TRL [The Remus Lupins] would be cool. [The Moaning Myrtles] would be fun. Maybe Dumbledork could work up some sweet remixes. I’d just love to meet a lot of these people. That’s something I haven’t been able to do in Texas is hang out with the other bands. I read about the wiz rock fests and Yule Balls and I’m totally jealous.

Liz: The Yule Ball is really the most amazing event of the year, at least in my eyes. We had SO much fun. There needs to be more of them, though, really. But, like I said, it seems like things are growing by leaps and bounds so these mini-fests are starting to happen all the time. Have you and/or your bandmates considered attending the HP symposium Prophecy in Toronto next August?

Adam: I have, it’s just so far in the future and a pretty big commitment so, right now its one of those things that I’d love to go to but I’m not getting my hopes up, unfortunately.

Liz: Yeah. Well, we hope you can work something out. Some of our staff will be going and there will be a number of wizard rock bands there as well, so, it’ll be a party.

Liz: Can you tell me the story behind “Imperius Regrets” (if there is one)? It’s such a great song.

Adam: Umm, that was the last song we recorded. We had just finished mixing and tweaking “Wizard Weezes” and we had the creative vibes going and we needed another song to really fill out the album. I went into my room for a couple minutes and kind of outlined the song, then went into David’s room where the recording stuff was and kind of improvised my way through it. The third time through is the one we used. Then the next night Dave was messing with stuff we had recorded and had taken all the drums out of the song except for that huge crescendo at the end. I was blown away. That’s probably my favorite moment on the CD.

Liz: Excellent. It really is emotional. It’s one of our (me and khittie’s) favorite wizard rock songs ever. 🙂

Liz: What about the Harry Potter series strikes you the most? What do you take from it other than the fact that it’s just really enjoyable, if anything? Some people like how it encourages being a good friend, standing up for what’s right, etc.

Adam: Umm, without trying to sound too extremist… the last few books, especially Order of the Phoenix, have been about doing what’s right in the face of convention. Or more specificly in the face of government. You know what’s right, you know how you should treat people, you know when to stand up for what’s right even when the rules are the other way around. The DA underground revolution is my favorite sub-story there’s been in any of the books. It’s so badass.

Liz: Thanks. Aside from Harry Potter, what are some other books that you particularly enjoy?

Adam: A few authors I read are Dave Eggers, David Sedaris, JD Salinger I’m a huge fan of. I just finished On Beauty by Zadie Smith. I’ve read two of her books now and I think she’s my favorite autor writing today. Zadie Smith, check her out.

Liz: I most certainly will. I just have one more question, one that we’ve been asking everybody lately. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Adam: Easy, Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked.

Liz: Nice. Is there anything else you’d like to add or say?

Adam: Umm, I think I’m good. Thanks to everybody for listening.

Liz: Very good. Thanks again, Adam. Have an excellent day.

Adam: You too, later.

The Mudbloods debut album, Out of the Forbidden Forest, was released in May and can be purchased by visiting the band’s myspace profile.

  1. […] Adam, from the band The Mudbloods, has granted us a second interview in honor of their Band of the Month status. He and staff member Liz discuss a range of things including live performances, books, and more. “Hopefully, a tour would be sweet. But also, like I said, we like to do big shows with lots of planning and spectacle so… I’d love to do a tour if it’s feasible but it would be a totally new experience. What would be really great is to play some joint dates with a band that’s already on tour somewhere maybe. TRL? Call me, Alex.” (read more). […]

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