The Wrock Wreview: When the War Came

The Album

As a long time fan of How Airplanes Fly, I thought it was time to do a review of the 2011 album, When the War Came. The album has eleven tracks, consisting of guitar, percussion, and vocals. Avery’s voice has changed so much since this album was released, and the quality of his voice carries from this album to the present day. I’m so excited to get started, so let’s go!

The Tracks

The Quest of James Potter is all about Lily Evans. Avery’s guitar skills are shown off in this one, as well as his vocal talent. With snarky lyrics and a strong performance, this is a wonderful start to the album.

Ron Weasley fans will love the next song: Sidekick. A love song to Ron, this track incorporates harmonies, soft vocals, and references to page numbers in the books. I love the chord progressions, and the lyrics continue to have just a little bit of snark in them. The introduction of percussion got me dancing in my seat.

Opening with clear guitar picking, Chocolate Frog Card begins softly, and continues in such a way until the end. If a person could become a Chocolate Frog card, a Hogwarts tie, or a Beater, would the person you love put you on display or throw you away? This song delves into that question in a simple and gorgeous way.

Such a Shame is one of my favorites. It’s a bit more upbeat and definitely a toe-tapper. The harmonies in it are absolutely incredible, both in the background vocals and as part of the main voice. There is a sweet guitar solo in the middle of this song to Ginny, and it has a happy ending.

Hermione fans, get ready for Know-It-All In Love. This is the first time we hear an electric guitar, which is a nice contrast to the acoustic we have heard so far. It has a rock band feel with the percussion added to the guitar. In this song, Hermione explores what it is like to be in love, and what she should do about it. My favorite line is:

I’ve never read a book on this, but I can learn all I need to know from just your kiss

Next up is Leave You Behind. It is a beautiful love song from Snape to Lily. The guitar, vocals, harmonies, and lyrics come together to create this masterpiece of art. The words evoke feelings of unrequited love, longing, and regret.

I highly recommend listening to Battle Cry with headphones on. The mixing of this song is incredible and makes me feel like I’ve dived headfirst into a bowl of Dumbledore’s Pensieve. The swirling vocals seem to echo through my head, and I imagine students and adults alike running through the grounds and castle of Hogwarts as the battle is beginning.

Hermione’s Song (Take My Hand) starts off with some really cool effects added to the guitar part. As the percussion comes in, I find myself tapping my foot and moving along with the music. It is an upbeat song that contrasts nicely with the more serious lyrics. Hermione may not know whether they will be okay in the end, but if she takes her friends’ hands, they might be able to get through it together.

Harry grapples with his destiny in Down. How is it fair for someone to carry such a heavy burden of giving up their own life so that everything has a chance to turn out all right? The emotional lyrics and incredible sense of urgency in the guitar makes this one of my favorite songs on the album. The fading out to nothing at the end of the song is divine.

Believe is such a sweet love song to Harry. The music swells and ebbs with soft melodies, floating like silky seaweed. There are more harmonies, as delicious as always, and the song ends like a feather falling to the forest floor.

We now come to the final song of the album: That Goat Doesn’t Love You. It’s hardcore, hilarious, and is presented with a very strong performance. I’m amazed at Avery’s vocal talent, as he shows it off really well in this song. It’s not hard to imagine an audience jumping and shouting along with the lyrics. It’s a great end to a fantastic album.

In Summary

If you haven’t checked out Avery’s current music, I highly encourage you to do so. Not only have his vocals changed over the years, but his unique style of music as well. He is so versatile and talented, and I will forever be grateful for his music in my life. Give this classic album a listen and compare it to now! You’ll find so much to love in whatever you listen to.

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