The Wrock Wreview: HUFFLERIOT

The Album

Hufflepuffs are known for their gentle and caring natures, their willingness to always help out a friend, and their steadfast acceptance. But what happens when Hufflepuffs need to stand up for what’s right? You get a HUFFLERIOT! Tonks and the Aurors released this twelve track album on June 29, 2018. They are backed by drums (provided by Gred and Forge) and vocals (provided by Ludo Bagman and the Trash and The 8th Horcrux). Let’s get ready to riot!

The Tracks

The album starts off strong with Aurors Fight. With a solid musical foundation, Tonks sings about taking a stand against the Death Eaters of the world. We fight for magical folks as well as all of the Muggles. Say it with me: I will fight for what’s right, for all people, against evil!

Not Your Friend is a high-energy upbeat track about how Death Eaters are not friends, even if they are a relative or an old friend. Tonks lets us know that it’s not worth trying to maintain friendships with Death Eaters with an incredible vocal performance.

When Voldemort killed James and Lily, he was defeated by baby Harry. When the wizarding world discovered that Harry Potter’s Alive, they sang and celebrated. This is an uplifting song that reminds us to use our happy memories to push us forward to do what we believe in.

Tonks sings about her love to Remus Lupin in the song He’s a Gryffindor. I like the pacing in the beat, and the melody is lovely. There’s a cool echoing reverb effect that makes Tonks’ voice sound ethereal.

Death Eater Masks is a newer song that is politically relevant to recent happenings in the United States. It doesn’t hold anything back against the Death Eaters in the real Muggle world. I love how catchy this song is, and how it doesn’t pull its punches.

Longbottom goes out to all the underdogs, late bloomers, and people who feel like they don’t fit in. It is upbeat and uplifting, and I love the melodic voice line with the harmonies in the background.

We go back to a classic Tonks and the Aurors song, Yes All Witches. It is an extremely powerful song that has been played live many times, with the audience singing and shouting along. Every time I listen to this song, I am taken back to magical times at the Granger Leadership Academy where there was a room full of friends surrounding me and raising their wands while we shout out this important message.

I absolutely love Honorary Marauder. The beat is incredible and it’s so catchy. I am obsessed with this revised version of this song. The whole thing is amazing, but I particularly love the percussion and guitar. It’s my favorite song on the album.

Wizard Punks is all about how JK Rowling does not speak for the Harry Potter fandom. This song was created in light of the transphobic comments that JKR made, and it has a very important message not only to JKR but to the fandom as well. We have moved on from the author and have taken matters into our own hands.

Register, Research, and Vote are the key things to remember when you listen to Wizard Rock the Vote. Even wizards have a duty to vote! This is a great song to listen to when you feel that the politics in your area are too much to handle. It inspires me to be a better person and make sure that I do my research.

Tonks introduces herself to Harry in Aurors FTW. If you’ve ever wanted to be an Auror, that means you’re awesome! I love the bass guitar part in this song. I also love the way that Tonks sings so passionately about the things that she believes in.

HUFFLERIOT is the last song of the album. Tonks finishes as strongly as she started, singing about doing the right thing even when it’s hard. When it’s time to fight, stand by those who believe in you – and believe in yourself while you’re at it!

In Summary

This is truly an incredibly powerful album. Tonks speaks her mind throughout every song, and highlights the important parts of what Hufflepuffs believe in: to stand up for what is right, to fight alongside your friends, and to persevere through the difficult times. This is a wonderful album for any Hufflepuffs out there who need a confidence boost, but I can assure you that you don’t need to be a Hufflepuff to get a lot out of these songs.

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