The Wrock Wreview: Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them

The Album

Get ready to jam out today, wrockers, because we’re going to be reviewing Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them by nelsonious. This 14 track album was released on February 19, 2017 and is comprised of lots of incredible beats. The artist behind this album has a large discography that you can find on their bandcamp! Let’s jump right in and find us some fantastic beats.

The Tracks

Ashwinder has a laid back vibe that you can really tap your foot to. I love the vocals in the background and how it fades out at the end. I would definitely put this on in the background if I needed to study.

True to the track’s title, Billywig Swing is an upbeat song that got me dancing in my seat. The instrumentals gave me a little bit of a rock and roll feel. This ain’t nothin’ but another thing.

I imagine that Bowtruckle Hustle would come on in a dark, underground club for magical folk. I can picture various species of bar patrons sipping their steaming drinks while they watch a spindly bowtruckle dancing for entertainment. It has a chill rhythm that is very easy to vibe to.

Demiguise is a slinky song that reminds me of some of the background tracks to Steven Universe. With a repeating instrumental melody and consistent drums, it makes a perfect track to listen to for whatever you are doing today.

I love the piano in Erumpet’s Lament. It has a flickering quality that reminds me of a candle in the breeze. The percussion in this track mix with light vocals to create an ethereal sound.

The beat picks up for Fwooper Tings. It has a lighthearted but spicy rhythm, with catchy repeated vocals throughout. I can imagine warm climates, maybe in a rainforest, while listening to this.

Graphorn Feels is a percussion laden track with an overlay of glitchy vocals. It has a lovely flow, especially with the legato instruments in the background.

The next track is a beautiful little ditty called Mooncalf Suite. Listening to it reminds me of cool starry night skies, breezes over the lake, and spiderwebs shining in the moonlight. It is gentle and has a wonderful flow.

I love the title of Murtlap Blaps. It has a bouncy quality to its music, with a steady beat and energetic vocals. I would definitely listen to this track if I wanted to dance with someone.

Niffler the Pilfering Pest has a spy-like sound as it repeats its descending melody over a fun percussive track.

I am reminded of a final boss in a video game as I listen to Swooping Evil. With an 8-bit sound, it really feels like something wicked this way comes. It has a forward momentum that keeps you on your toes. This was one of my favorite tracks on the album.

The Nundu comes with some sweet instrumentals in the form of a guitar and – of course – percussion. This track would fit in perfectly in a cafe or restaurant setting while people socialize, laugh, and enjoy a meal together.

If I had to sum up what this album sounds like with only one song, The Occamy would be the perfect example. It’s got a groovy beat and a fine melodic structure using different instruments. It is reminiscent of a lot of the other tracks on the album, and is a great representative of its music.

Thunderbird brings us to the last track of the album. The vocals, melody, and backing track come together to create an upbeat and wonderful end to the album.

In Summary

I really enjoyed listening to these fantastic beats. There were a lot of variances to each track, while at the same time keeping a thread of distinguishing sounds to each song that came together to create a comprehensive unit. If you like this album, you can check out their other music at nelsonious‘ bandcamp page!

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