Wrock The Reread – The Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat

Chapter 7, shows us the Sorting Ceremony and our first Hogwarts feast! Featured bands include: Tonks and the Aurors, Harry and the Potters, Ravenrock, RiddleTM, Ollivander, Seamus and the Finnigans, MuggleBorn, Hawthorn and Holly, The Gryffindor Common Room Rejects and the Mudbloods. 

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Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat

The new students are greeted at the castle door by Professor Minerva McGonagall, who tells them they will soon be sorted into their houses. [“1984 (Welcome)” by Tonks & the Aurors] All Hogwarts students live in one of four residences: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, with each house having its own team for Quidditch. [“Sort Me” by Tonks & the Aurors] The houses are in a yearlong competition with one another to acquire the most points, which are earned by success in Quidditch games and given by teachers for academic achievement, and lost for student infractions, in order to win the House Cup awarded at the end of the year. As the students enter Hogwarts, ghosts appear in the hallway. [“Ghosts” by Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons] The students are led to the Great Hall, where the entire school waits for them. [“Enchanted Ceiling” by Harry and the Potters] They see an old pointy hat on a stool. [“Sorting Song” by Ravenrock] When the students try on the Sorting Hat, it announces the house in which they are placed. [“Sorting Hat” by RiddleTM] Harry becomes very nervous. He has learned that he does not care for Slytherin house, as the students in it are unpleasant and Voldemort once belonged to Slytherin. The annoying girl Hermione from the train is Sorted into Gryffindor, much to Ron’s displeasure. Finally, it is Harry’s turn to wear the hat. He quietly says to himself “not Slytherin, not Slytherin!”. [“Not Slytherin” by Ollivander] After a brief mental discussion with the hat in which it tries to suggest Slytherin to him, the hat places Harry in Gryffindor. Harry is pleased to find that Ron joins in Gryffindor with him. Draco Malfoy is placed in Slytherin.

Everyone sits down to a grand feast to begin the year. Harry is overwhelmed by the variety of luscious food served. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the resident ghost of Gryffindor (popularly known as Nearly Headless Nick because of a botched decapitation), introduces himself to the first-year students and tells them he hopes they will win the house championship this year. [“Nearly Headless Nick” by Harry and the Potters] Over dessert, the discussion turns to the students’ upbringings. A student named Neville Longbottom tells how his family thought he was a Squib until he survived a fall from a window. Another student, Seamus Finnigan, talks about how his father, a Muggle, was shocked when he found out his wife (Seamus’ mother) was a witch. [“Muggle-Witch” by Seamus and the Finnigans]; [“Muggleborn (The Grass Ain’t Always Greener)” by MuggleBorn]  Harry glances around the room and notices a few of the teachers talking to one another. One of them, while speaking to Quirrell, stares malevolently at Harry, who immediately feels a sharp pain in his forehead scar. Harry asks Percy the prefect who he is, and finds out that this man is Professor Severus Snape, who teaches Potions. After dessert, Dumbledore gets up to make his welcome speech. [“Intro” by Hawthorn & Holly] He adds a few warnings about staying away from the Forbidden Forest and avoiding the 3rd-floor corridor on the right side of the school before sending everyone off to bed in their Common rooms. On the way, the Gryffindors run into Peeves the Poltergeist and upon arriving, meet the Fat Lady who lets them into Gryffindor Tower after Percy gives her the password. [“The Phat Lady” by The Gryffindor Common Room Rejects] Harry has trouble sleeping due to dream he has. In it, he is wearing Professor Quirrell’s turban, which is demanding him to transfer to Slytherin. He refuses, and the headwear becomes more heavier on his head. Malfoy and Snape appear laughing at him, then the dream ends with a flash of green light that causes Harry to wake up at midnight and fall asleep again, forgetting about it immediately afterwards. [“Harry’s Lament” by The Mudbloods]

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