On Recent Events


A few days ago, some very serious allegations were made against a long-time, prominent wizard rock musician. Saying that our hearts were broken to hear that good people were victimized, and felt that they had to stay silent about it, would be an understatement. We here at the Wizrocklopedia applaud those who have come forward, and hope that their statements can help begin their healing process. 

Wizard rock has always been about community. While that community may not be as large or as strong as it once was, it’s still a community to many people. Hearing these allegations has torn a hole in the fabric that holds our community together… but we also hope that we, as a community, can both help those who need it as well as continue forward with the positivity that’s been a wizard rock hallmark since Day One.

The Wizrocklopedia has always been a news website, first and foremost. We’ve featured various social stories over the years, and hope to continue to do so. Even though we’re a news outlet, behind the news and reviews we’re just people – people who are heartbroken and who wish nothing more than to offer our support to those who have come forward, and those who may be sitting in silence over what happened to them as well.

We encourage those who have recognized themselves in these allegations to take whatever steps are needed to begin their healing process. Please know that you have friends (and some would say, a family) who are ready and willing to do whatever they can to help. If you would like more information, please visit the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network.

4 responses to “On Recent Events”

  1. Lily Avatar

    Who was the wrocker? It saddens my heart that a member of our family has been accused of something so tragic.

  2. JamesFromTSBCOSS Avatar

    This is insane. If true, I suppose that big stars in Wrock music wouldn’t be immune from taking advantage of people like this. Honestly, it’s reasons like this why I’m happy I’m not a ‘real’ member of the Wrock community, because if I have been a personal friend of anyone involved in this incident, then I’m not sure how it’d make me feel about Wrock overall.

  3. Ashley Trix Avatar

    “Honestly, it’s reasons like this why I’m happy I’m not a ‘real’ member of the Wrock community, because if I have been a personal friend of anyone involved in this incident, then I’m not sure how it’d make me feel about Wrock overall.”

    James: For me, it doesn’t reflect on Wrock at all. It reflects on people: on Alex and Luke, and indirectly on us too, yes. But not on wizard rock. Wrock bigger than all of us, and once you become a ‘real’ member of the community (which you will, hearing your awesome music!), you will see.

    I mean, I’ve been involved for 6+ years and I’ve had like one conversation with those people. They don’t own Harry Potter.

  4. JamesFromTSBCOSS Avatar

    One, thanks for the compliment.

    Two, I see your point, though I’m sure that any of the people who’ve had a bad experience with these wrock artists could be disenfranchised due to the experiences.

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