Question Tuesday


I have to thank my kids for this week’s Question Tuesday inspiration! While pondering different topics I could bring up, both of them starting moaning about how they had to go back to school in just 2 days. Naturally, this led to my idea to ask all of you:

What’s your favorite wizard rock song about school?

I’ll gladly admit that mine is “Be My Witch Tonight” by The Mudbloods, as it wonderfully describes what it’s like for a young man to wander through the schoolday, completely sidetracked about the young woman (or witch, in this case) who he’s completely head over heels for.

So, what’s your fave wrock song about school? Let us know in the comments below!

6 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. samuraix47 Avatar

    Gred and Forge’s Christmastime at School is an awesome tune. It makes me want to stay at school.

  2. Olek Avatar

    “Summer Song” by Witherwings is a classic if you’re already looking forward to NOT being in class. 😉

  3. Jonathon Rosenthal Avatar

    That is a really hard one. Many of the school oriented songs were particularly outstanding. “Summer Song” is indeed wonderful. “Be My Witch” is a classic. Alex Carpenter’s song about Hannukah with Hagrid is very amusing.

    I would have to scan my collection to figure this out.

  4. WrockSnob Avatar

    Well, Gred and Forge’s “We Had Class” is kind of great in its uniqueness – there are so many wizard rock songs out there, and so few about the daily life of Hogwarts students, and those great background bits like classes.

    The Owl Post’s “Will You Be My Pansy” is in the same vein as “Be My Witch Tonight”, and an old classic people should definitely check out.

    I also have to special mention Lumos + Nox, a sadly now-defunct wrock concept project, following the lives of a random Ravenclaw and a random Slytherin in the background of the stories, as they fall in love and go to classes and deal with the pressures of being an NPC. They were only active for like two months, but it was a good two months.

  5. Clare Avatar

    Skipping Classes by the Remus Lupins immediately comes to mind. Ahh, great song 🙂

  6. DarkLordofDance Avatar

    WHile “Summer Song” is the first to come to mind, I have to go with the Parselmouths’ “I’m So Bored.” Give it a few weeks, and I’ll be feeling exactly the same.

    Honorable mention to Lauren Fairweather’s “I’m Going to Hogwarts”

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