Question Tuesday

So, I know we’ve talked about WHERE we listen to wizard rock most often, but I don’t think we’ve talked about WHEN.
Do you listen to wizard rock whenever? When you’re sad? Missing your fandom friends? Getting pumped for events? Trying to fall asleep?

I listen to wizard rock rather randomly, but there are two times for sure when I listen to it:
1) On my way to any wrock event
2) When I miss my friends enough that I need to wallow

Of course, I use different music for these things. On my way to an event, when I’m trying to get pumped up, I’m much more likely to put on some Tonks and the Aurors, Gred and Forge, and Swish and Flick to “practice” singing and dancing. While wallowing, I’ll visit the more melancholy side of things, with any metawizardrock song at the top of that list, though I usually start with ‘For Jo’ by Riddle™.

24 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Marauder Avatar

    I listen to wrock when I’m cleaning, for some reason…

  2. Laura Avatar

    All times.

  3. Penguin1124 Avatar

    1. Playing Video Games
    2. Working out (only some Wrock though)
    3. Doing homework
    4. Just doing nothing while I am home
    5. Driving in my car

  4. Freya Avatar

    Marauder, now that I think about it, I listen to it a lot while cleaning, too!

  5. Hannah Avatar

    I usually listen to it randomly, but I will listen to it when I’m in the car, and, for reasons I cannot fathom, I will always blast Ministry of Magic when I’m cleaning my room.

  6. Scott Humdinger Avatar

    I daresay at least 60% of my general music listening (be it in the car, around the house, or at work) is wizard rock.

  7. Whompy Avatar

    Given my tour schedule and the fact that I spend most of my down time recording new albums, technically I listen to wizard rock almost every single day.

  8. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    I listen to wrock just about all the time. It doesn’t really get any special status. I’ll listen to it when it comes up on my shuffle, and when I feel like listening to it, just like every other artist. It’s great stuff.

  9. Jenni Avatar

    I listen to wizard rock way more than muggle music, but I always have a wrock mix CD in my car, and a workout playlist on my iPod that consists mostly of wrock.

  10. Lewis Brooks Avatar
    Lewis Brooks

    64% of the music on my iPhone is Wizard Wrock, but I probably listen to it 90% of the time.

  11. Trudy Avatar

    I listen to it whenever too, all the time. usually in the morning i think “what am i going to listen to today?” and sometimes it’s muggle stuff and other times “I know! what about myrtle!” or whatever.
    there are a couple specific times i have for listening to wrock, though. swish and flick is the perfect cure for when i’m feeling down! and this past fall i listened to the rest is silence before every marching band competition i had. it was great 🙂

  12. Raenwen Avatar

    I was just thinking about this the other day – odd. Admittedly, I listen to wizard rock all the time, everyday. EXCEPT WHEN I’M DOING HOMEWORK. I get distracted with thoughts of fandom friends, fandom events and eventually want to read fanfiction. LOL

    But really, besides the occasional classic rock or girl band break, wizard rock makes up the music I listen to most! 😀

  13. Julia Avatar

    Barely a day passes when I don’t listen to Wizard Rock. I usually listen in the car on the way to work, when I’m cleaning, or when I’m driving long distances. I’ve also been known to have a WRock dance party when I’m getting ready for Shabbos.

  14. obockstal Avatar

    1. cleaning
    2. on my way home from work (it cheers me up a lot after a stressy day)
    3. sometimes a little bit before falling asleep (but it has to be the Moaning Myrtles).

  15. mistyhorse71885 Avatar

    I listen to it all the time. at home, at work, in the car. I’m a wrock addict. Mostly it’s ministry of magic and the house of black and a few others. I listen to others on myspace music, but I don’t have the funds to get very many albums 🙁 I get different songs off of itunes sometimes

  16. Micaela Avatar

    Whenever it comes up on my iPod. I listen to it like I would muggle music.

  17. Helen Avatar

    When I skip to Track 1 on my MP3 after listening to New Divide.
    Just think about how it ends up.

    Across this new diviiiiiide!!!!!
    One rainy day at Hogwarts School…

  18. LyssaLaughable Avatar

    I listen to wrock all the time =] I actually was only introduced to it last summer, but my friends are convinced that I only own wizrock, which isn’t true, but I let them beleive it. =]

  19. Mary Avatar

    I tend to listen to it on the subways when I’m trying to stay alert for work, usually it’s Swish and Flick. Their album’s volume is equal to that of a mainstreet cds, which means on my terrible mp3 player I can still pump up the volume and get rid of the subway noise.

    I also listen to it while dancing, that’s because I’m one of the dancing death eaters and the Dark Lord of the Dance insists on wrock and not muggle junk.

  20. Nylota Avatar

    I listen to wizard rock a good 90 percent of the time, except when doing homework, when it’s all Bach.

  21. Flick Avatar

    Not counting my own band, which is a different kind of listening, I mostly listen at work.

    I don’t count listening to my own band because it is critical listening for what is good/bad about the recordings or songs, not so much for enjoyment, though its a different kind of enjoyment.

    Where do most people get their wizard rock from? Is it something they purchase, stream from myspace, youtube, etc?

  22. Helen: She Who Once Was Avatar
    Helen: She Who Once Was

    So. After a lot of thinking, I’ve decided on something.

    Wrock has helped me find my feet with music, and helped me test my voice (When I’m not listening to Cryoshell). But this is really tough, and there are so many awesome people here. As you can probably see, I haven’t been here so often, been on a load of different websites. It’s just that I’ve been losing my interest in Harry Potter, and going back to my childhood, which is best for me right now. So… This is just a really tough, elongated goodbye. There are just three words to say now.

    I will return.

  23. Erin Avatar

    EVERYDAY!! it’s on my Ipod so on the way to work, at work and on the way home from work, when i roller blade adn just for the hell of it!!

  24. Becca Pureblood Avatar
    Becca Pureblood

    I’m with Flick in that I generally listen to my own band critically, but sometimes I do listen to our stuff when I need cheering up. I listen to other wrock in my car and when I’m exercising.

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