Question Tuesday

It’s getting closer to that time again… the Wizard Rock Peoples’ Choice Awards are coming up (no dates specified yet!), so I figure it’s better to start reflecting on the Wizard Rock of 2009 now, wouldn’t you say? With that in mind, I’d like to ask the question:

What was your favorite live Wizard Rock experience from 2009? It could be one you attended, one you were told all about, or one you watched live streaming or on youtube! If you didn’t attend one, which performance(s) do you wish more than any others that you could have been at?

For me, 2009 was a year of amazing Wizard Rock. Out of all of it, I can’t seem to narrow it down to any fewer than three bands/performances. These three (in no particular order) were Harry and the Potters at LeakyCon (hello plates of bacon! And the first and last time I was called up by friends to join the Wrocker dancing at the end of a set), Diagon Alley at Wrockstock (I’d been waiting ages to see them play live and was not at all disappointed!), and Creevey Crisis at Wrockstock (holy crap, I was so freaking blown away! And the way the audience got into it during ‘Nagini’! Wow!!).

So those are my top three from the year. What about you?

22 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. James Avatar

    Harry and the Potters @ LeakyCon hands down. It was fucking intense and amazing!!

  2. Raenwen Avatar

    Definitely have to agree with Diagon Alley! I was totally blown away. Come on, rock!Violinist?! I just love their style. Actually, I was more than impressed with all the bands at Wrockstock. Howevs, I can’t deny that I was most squeeful for DatM. It was my first time seeing them and god are they amazing. I was in bliss! Hawthorn & Holly at the Whampum Williow, were unbelievable amounts fun, while The Mudbloods totally killed me with sad/madness! So that’s my answer! The whole lot of Wrockstock was the best part of 2009 for me! So awesome. Gah.

  3. Julia Avatar

    Oh G-d, so many. Harry and the Potters at Leakycon was AMAZING, so was JFF at Wrockstock, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Justin WRock out that hard. Jarrod’s set at Wrockstock was freaking awesome too, and so was Alex’s. Also, we broke the ceiling at MoM’s set at Venom.

    And, yeah, The Mudbloods at Wrockstock.

  4. Maggie Avatar

    Gotta be all of the LeakyCon shows– or, if you insist on narrowing it down, the big circle of hugging and singing “Dumbledore” during the Potters’ set.

    2010 is going to be so great! I can feel it!

  5. Steph Avatar

    Personally, I’d say playing Born to Run as an encore at Wrockstock was pretty up there. Especially to share it with a lot of people that mean so much to me, and people who know what that moment meant to me.

    Other great moments:
    *Rock Night at LeakyCon
    *The Remus Lupins/Gred & Forge/Tonks & the Aurors concert at the Ann Arbor District Library
    *Demons at the Helm, JFF’s Halfblood Pizza album, & The Rest is Silence. Works of art created by brilliant friends
    *Any house party show I attended

  6. badger666 Avatar

    Wrock Around the Rock at Azkatraz!!!

  7. Russ Avatar

    Definitely Tonks & The Aurors set at Wrockstock. The whole weekend was amazing, and being there for The Mudbloods was (and still is) indescribable.

  8. Jonathon Rosenthal Avatar

    The MoM set at Venom Club was by far one of the most incredible sets I have ever seen. It was freaking intense.

    Diagon Alley at Wrockstock is a second for me.

    and third place is the HatP set at LeakyCon. It helps that I love bacon.

  9. Avery Avatar

    I’m still trying to figure out which Wrockstock set I enjoyed most and have, as they say, had an epic fail. So I think my favorite moment then was the massive group hug at the end. It was incredible, even though it was probably the reason I was sick with the swine flu for three weeks afterwords =/

  10. Dante Avatar

    So much of Wrockstock could be considered my favorite… For now I’d have to agree that Diagon Alley at Wrockstock was very memorable.

    Other candidates could be The Ministry of Magic during the impromptu acoustic “make up” show at Azkatraz. Maybe The Whomping Willows on Wrock Around the Rock.

  11. Swish Avatar

    Best show SnF performed: Toss up between Evil Day 2 in Hoboken, NJ and Pre-Leaky show at The Sidewalk Cafe, NYC

    Best show I attended: HatP LeakyCon ’09

    2009 was an amazing year for Swish and Flick. I feel so very blessed and honored!

  12. Marauder Avatar

    Sadly, I never get to go to any wrock shows. Has there ever been one in Minnesota?

  13. Kali Avatar

    This year I went to my first wrock event ever and it was Wrockstock. It’s all I can say, and yet I think it says it all 😛

  14. Laura! Avatar

    Oh gosh, too many amazing moments happened this year!

    My top 3 are (in no order):
    1. Wrockstock (Everything that happened. Everyone I met/hung out with. Every minute I was there was amazing.)
    2. The Whomp The House show in Las Vegas. (Matt asked me to come up and lead the dance for “On Behalf of Neville”!!)
    3. LeakyCon. (The whole weekend.)

    Honorable mention:
    Seeing Ministry of Magic live (for the first time!) at HC84.
    The two PC/Lupin/Willow shows I attended over the summer.

  15. Abby Avatar

    ALL OF IT!!!! What an AWESOME year.
    Top three? Cause you’re making me pick? 😉
    1.DatM going bluegrass at Leakycon. Oh, baby.
    2.Everyone’s performances at Wrockstock. Two words… KILL ERRR!
    3.Seeing HatP at the City Museum. Holla!

    And the above comments about WS have totally made me cry, BTW. Thanks guys. Seeing stuff like that makes the work worthwhile.

  16. Scott Humdinger Avatar

    One of my proudest and most emotional wrock moments this year was witnessing Nancy Half-Kneazle’s performance in the Wampum Willow at Wrockstock. If I had a daughter, I’d want her to be Nancy.

  17. Stine Avatar

    The greatest live experience for me this year was without a doubt Wrockstock, which also was my first “real life” wizard rock experience. I couldn’t possibly pick one favorite moment, but a couple of the most memorable sets for me were the OBatR set, for the pure surreality of finally seeing my first ever favorite wizard rock band live; and the Lupins set, for the fun and energy that made me literally unable to stand on my feet afterwards because I had been jumping and dancing so much. I’m also really glad I got to be there for the two acoustic sets on the dock (Adam, and ALL CAPS/MoM/Parselmouths/OBatR), they were both amazing.

  18. Joella Avatar

    Wrockstock without a doubt. It was the biggest show I went to, and while it was broken down into several sets, that entire weekend was fantastic 😀

    I can’t choose a favorite moment from the weekend. So many things were amazing…. the Mudbloods last set, the two dock acoustic sets, JFF’s set, TatA’s set, TRL’s set, OBatR’s, MoM’s…. everybody’s. Every set was amazing and you could tell that the wrockers gave it their all 😀

  19. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    God damn, it really seems like I need to get to Wrockstock this year.

    REGARDLESS, no one will ever, ever, ever come close to HatP in terms of live sets. It’s just indescribable. The sheer inhuman energy they put into their sets blows you away. Suddenly everything is punk rock, everything is being belted out, and they’re breaking strings left and right because they play so fucking hard.

    The most intense performances in wizard rock history took place in 2008 with John Clardy drumming for them. They took a math rock drummer of obscene talent and let him rape the drumwork for their songs. Nothing will ever come close to that.

    But at Leakycon 2009, they got pretty close. Plates of bacon, epic circle, Smells Like Harry Potter, nearly being impaled on Paul’s guitar several times because the crowd kept pushing me into him, and moshing with Jake Niffler all made it the most intense concert I’ve ever experienced.

  20. Trudy Avatar

    harry and the potters at leakycon takes the cake for me too. or maybe that’s the bacon.

  21. WizardRockDA Avatar

    All of Wrockstock was absolutely amazing, but my favourite show hands down was the Mudbloods. They’ve been my one of my favourite wrock bands since the day I discovered Wizard Rock and were the band who’s music got me to take Wizard Rock seriously, and this was the only chance I’ve ever had to see them live. I’d say it totally made my day, but it made my year would be more accurate.

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