Question Tuesday

I like to plan ahead. I already have several New Year’s resolutions to implement in 2010, and it got me to thinking about what I want to do in regards to the wizard rock part of my life.

What are your wizard rock-related plans in the next year?

I’m planning to keep running the ‘pedia with Dinah (as long as she’s game!), and I’ve been throwing around the idea of organizing something for charity. Of course, I’ll head out to as many shows as I can get to as well!

23 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Denni Towle Avatar

    Well next year is busy! Hopefully playing at some con’s! Either way I will be playing around the opening of the WWoHP! Maybe Wrockstock next year! Oh yeah and a tribute album to the Whomping Willows next Spring! Busy Busy Busy and if any of you want to order the Draco and the Malfoys Tribute Album…here ya go: All proceeds go to the HPA!! CD’s wil be shipped in December!

  2. Marauder Avatar

    My plan is to win a WRPCA for Best Female Vocals…no, just kidding. 😀

    The First Task Is Dragons has two albums in the works, “Skeeterphiliac” and “Slash Bash 2: Queerditch”, so I hope to have both of those finished by the end of the year. (Four finished songs for the former and one finished song for the latter so far!) It would also be really nice to get into the five digits for our number of MySpace page hits.

    Otherwise, the plans are just to keep listening to music and having fun!

  3. Helen Myrtle Dyes Her Hair (Formerly Avatar

    Do something cool and help drive anti-wrockers OUT!
    Kind of…

  4. Julia Avatar

    My goal is to have a PwnCast WRock calendar hanging on every wall in fandom.

    More realistically, my goals are to make it to as many shows as possible while spending as little money as possible. I also want to make it to North Carolina for a show. And I want to get set lists from bands I don’t have ones from. 🙂

  5. Whompy Avatar

    My plan is to make it to my third anniversary as a full-time wizard rocker. I’ll be touring as much as I did this year, if not more so. And I’ll be coming up with more creative ways to raise money for the HPA and other charities.

  6. Laura! Avatar

    I can barely think ahead to next week, and you’re asking me to think aaaaallllllll the way ahead to 2010?? Oh, geez.

    I would like to attend Wrockstock 2010, write more articles for the ‘pedia (because I am a slackerrrrr), go to as many shows as possible, and continue being awesome. 🙂

  7. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    My wrock-related plans right now only solidly revolve around Infinitus. That’s a definite. Going to enjoy that very much. Wrockstock is sitting as a very large ‘maybe’ at the moment.

    And HOPEFULLY, a March show in St. Catherines with a bunch of awesome Canadian wizard rockers (And The Chocolate Frogs. And whoever else would like to join us, in all honesty) would be cool. If those Nifflers are reading this, they should get a move on! 😛

  8. Helen Myrtle Dyes Her Hair (Formerly Avatar

    I just realised, my one starter ambition is to have a concert! In CROWNGATE!!!!!!!!!!!
    RiddleTM could come!
    OMG, that would be freaking awesome!

    I just realised: I check up on Wizrocklopedia every hour…

    Back onto subject, any other british band…
    Well, English.

  9. MissParkinson Avatar

    My plans:

    -Play 5 shows. Hopefully a Protego Edmonton Hogwarts Prom, A Protego Edmonon Yule Ball, a show at infinitus, one after Infinitus with Fred Lives and the House of Black, and one at Wrockstock.

    I also hopefully will do one at Wrockfest, but that depends on how much money I have. Since I have to pay for college all myself (my family makes to much money for a student loan) I may just have to settle with Infinitus and Wrockstock.

    Also if Whompy comes to Cananda I wouldn’t mind tagging along for a leg of the tour =D Siriusly bud, COME TO CANADA! =D

    I also plan to attend any shows that are within my budget.

  10. obockstal Avatar

    No big plans in 2010 because of other awesome stuff going on.

    But I’ll continue to support Wrock by buying the Wrock CDs.

    And trying to go to a gig or two in the UK.

    No con though.

  11. Tamara(Obliviate!) Avatar

    I plan to

    -MAKE A COMEBACK!(hopefully a collab?)
    -Get a condenser mic so my quality will be better
    -Get a car so I can GO TO SHOWS
    -Get updated with all the new bands
    -Hopefully crash Infinitus.

    I need new music… Unfortunately have no free time anymore!


  12. Stine Avatar

    My answer is simple: Wrockstock 4. I had so much fun this year that I simply can’t stay away from the next one. Even if that means working all summer to earn the money for it…

    As for other wizard rock related plans, I’m hoping to go to as many livestreamed shows as possible, and of course to keep in touch with old friends and get to know new friends in the fandom. I’d say that’s a pretty nice goal to have!

  13. Andrew Avatar

    Wrockstock IV.

    And anything in Pittsburgh.

    And maybe Evil Day 2 if I can swing it..

    Plus continue to buy and listen to albums, of course. There’s so much quality music being put out.

    (And who knows. Maybe I’ll actually learn to play my guitar and record some stuff.)

  14. LilyAndJamesAreForever Avatar

    Going to as many shows as possible.
    Also, does anyone have “Perfect for Eachother” off of Alex’s new CD? There’s something wrong with my CD, and it’s all scratchy!

  15. Laura Avatar

    Wrockstock IV and every show I can afford to get to. 🙂 that’s about it.

  16. James Avatar

    Wrockstock IV Is a must for me.

    Any and all UK shows.

    I really want to contribute to the community in some way but have yet to find a way in which i can.

  17. kayshayyy Avatar

    Wrockstock IV, definitely. And any other event or show i can go to, which arent many since no one really comes to Utah..but that’s alright, because I’m for sure going to WS.

  18. Dinahsaur Avatar

    If I’m still game!? Psh!


    Of course I’m still in on it! My Wrock plans include: running the ‘Pedia, writing the Wrocket, attending any shows I can drive to (assuming I have a vehicle to drive), and *hopefully* getting in a visit to SoCal to hang with my L.A.-based friends who I hardly see. 😀

  19. Russ Avatar

    Release an EP.

    Try and get going on the remaining articles on recording for the ‘pedia.

    Finish the Starfish and Stick album…. maybe.

    At one point I’ll get antsy and do another anonymous wrock side project of non-mainstream music. I’m thinking maybe early 80’s DC hardcore, or visual kei j-rock…. maybe.

  20. Forest Avatar

    I want to get a job (im not a slacker, im 16. i just haven’t had the opportunity to get a job until recently.) so I can afford more cds and so I can go to wrockstock next year. Oh, and a lisence so my parents don’t have to come with me to the concerts. =)

  21. Joella Avatar

    Wrockstock IV and Infinitus are the big ones. 😀 I also want to make it to as many shows in the Midwest that I can. You know, actually making an effort to make it to shows.

    Get a driver’s license so I don’t have to drag my parents along to the shows – though, if I go to shows in Chicago/STL, they’d probably still want to come with me. =/

  22. Kat Avatar

    Wrockstock IV
    learn the guitar
    Evil Day 2/ Yule Ball
    Hallows & Horcruxes Ball
    Infinitus (possibly)

    and I wonder why I’m poor

  23. Maggie Avatar

    *Infinitus!! I’m so excited, you guys. Since I’m on the Registration volunteer committee I will get to at least say hello to most people going… and it’s gonna be (totally) awesome!

    *Wrockstock 4…. maybe. It depends on what else comes up at work that weekend, and if I can afford. But I really want to make it there. Ten hour roadtrip through the Midwest in all its corn-and-cows glory? Hells yes!

    *Continue the re-read blog, and more specifically, continue to find chapter-appropriate wrock songs for each week’s post. So far it’s been easy, but I’m trying not to repeat the same bands too often so the longer the blog goes on the more difficult things will become. Also, I want to try and feature more lesser-known bands as the wrock of the week, but it’s difficult for bands who don’t have a venue for online purchasing (iTunes, or similar). Hmm.

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