Question Tuesday

Who would you most like to be a wizard rock fan with you?

One of my oldest friends has happily jumped into the fandom with me, but I do wish my husband would be more involved. He really enjoys the people he’s met in the fandom so far, but that’s about as far as it goes. If I could just get him to come to shows with me, maybe I wouldn’t feel so guilty about abandoning him to travel so much!

28 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    I’m very fortunate in that my girlfriend is a complete fandom junkie like myself. I do wish that I had some friends involved, though. Hell, even if I could get them to read the books… Or enjoy reading at all. I’m not really picky.

  2. Jelli Avatar

    My boyfriend. He thinks its silly, when really, its just amazing XD #PFL

  3. Brian Malfoy Avatar

    Hunter S. Thompson, but since he’s dead… Bill Murray, maybe? … or Weird Al Yankovic. 😉

  4. Shannon Avatar

    I would love it if I could get my roommate to be a totally fandom fan. I’ve got her to watch all the movies and she does listen to some wrock, but she still hasn’t read the books. I also can’t wait for the day when my little sister can join me in all my fandom travels and wrock shows. Right now she has to be a closet fan because she still lives at home (she’s only 16) and my parents hate anything to do with Potter (that’s a whole other story its self). I did manage to get her to HC84 with some creative story telling and she said that was the best night of her life! 😀

  5. evanna11 Avatar

    I wish some of my friends were fans just one of them would be great too, or even just anyone in my class).
    There really aren’t many HP fans out here 🙁 Some people have read the books (but aren’t fans) and some have seen the movies (or just a few of the movies, not all of them). *le sigh*

  6. Freya Avatar


    Brian’s answer is so much better than mine.

  7. James Avatar

    What a great question. I’d quite like my little brother to get into it a bit. I have played him a couple songs but i think he can’t get past the initial nerdiness of it all (he is 11) I think he is worried about his friends and such.

  8. meg Avatar

    Anyone from my college. So far it’s just me and one friend, but there’s tons of HP fans and overall geeks everywhere on campus, so you’d think there would be more. It’s kind of frustrating.

  9. Sam Avatar

    I have some friends in my school who have heard wizard rock because of me, but no one really gets how awesome it is, and I just want someone in my school who can see wizard rock for what it really is: the most epic thing ever

  10. Whompy Avatar

    Brian, I second (or third, really) Bill Murray. Or even just Bob Harris from Lost In Translation. Imagine sitting with him at the bar at Sidewalk Cafe after a show…

  11. Jace Avatar

    @whompy – do you think he’d whisper in your ear what he told Scarlett Johansson at the ends of that movie?

  12. chloevictoria Avatar

    Basically, someone at my course at least. It does get lonely having to listen to wrock music by myself and telling people about it and stuff.

  13. Avery Avatar

    At least one of my friends. Most of them are Twilight fans, and actually only two of them have read any Harry Potter at all. I am lucky that my family is very much into it, but somehow my dad has been to more concerts than I have. I hope to even the score a bit soon…

  14. Russ Avatar

    Henry Rollins.


  15. Forest Avatar

    I wish that someone from my school, IN MY GRADE was a wizard rock fan. There are a ton of freshmen who are into wizard rock, but since im a junior i never have lunch, or any classes with them.

  16. Molly Wazlib Avatar

    Barack Obama.

  17. Patrick Avatar

    And I’m voting with Russ… Hank in the fandom would be some scary degrees of awesome!

  18. Laura! Avatar

    I wish my 2 younger sisters were more into wizard rock, and the fandom in general. They are both Harry and the Potters fans, and, try as I might, they won’t listen to much more than that. 🙂

    It would be super awesome if I could get them to come to cons with me. PARTAY.

  19. WizardRockDA Avatar

    My brother, Jason, is technically a part of The Dumbledore’s Army Band. He’s listed as a band member on the myspace page, he listens to the songs I write, makes suggestions for arrangements, mixing, etc. and plays on the recordings the few times we’ve gotten around to making recordings.

    But he just doesn’t “get” Wizard Rock.

    He’s seen and enjoyed the HP movies, but he hasn’t read any of the books, and isn’t truly a “fan” in the sense that we tend to think of it.

    I think if I could get him to read the books, he’d be much more likely to become more interested in the series as a fan. The movies are fun, but to me, a lot of the things that make the series so charming and make it so easy to really get into it are lost in the movies.

    And I’m starting to think the only way to get him to really get the point of the Wizard Rock scene is to drag him out to a Wizard Rock event so he can see first hand how Wizard Rock is so much more than just another outlet for nerdiness.

  20. Kali Avatar

    I have a few friends who sometimes enjoy the wrock I play for them, but nobody who really listens to it otherwise. So I’d love to have a friend, even just one, who was into it (especially if they could come with me to Wrockstock in November :P)

    Also, it would be nice if my mom could enjoy it instead of rolling her eyes, calling me a weirdo, and making me turn it off/put my headphones in.

  21. Maggie Avatar

    In my “real” life: two of my best friends, who love Harry Potter, have come to premieres with me, and love the fandom… but don’t “get” wizard rock. Sigh.

    On a bigger scale, I second Molly Wazlib up above- if President Obama was a wrock fan… whoa. I think Andrew Slack would faint.

    And, of course… Jo Rowling. Someday I would love for her to sneak, incognito, into one of our conventions… just to see it.

  22. IFTBA Avatar

    Mhazz (omgmhazzrocks from youtube) because I asked her to be in my wrock band and she wanted to say yes, but she’s not into Harry Potter!

    :[ !


  23. Zivlok Avatar

    They Might Be Giants. And Conan O’Brien.

  24. Eee Avatar

    Laura Mallory.

  25. Trudy Avatar

    I wish that at least one of my friends would be a fan. A lot are casual Harry Potter fans, but they aren’t really into the books and definitely don’t listen to wrock. None of my friends really get it.

  26. Guillermina Avatar

    I wish more Spanish-speaker HP fans were WRock fans! Over here I have a group of friends I met through HarryLatino, and they’re big HP fans but they didn’t know anything about wrock until I told them (and gave them a CD of my favourites :P).

    They like those songs, but they’re still not much into wrock mainly because they can’t read English, and there is only one (not very active) band in Spanish u_u

  27. Ashley Avatar

    Mostly, I wish my family and peers were more into it, but now that Brian Malfoy, and subsequently others here, have mentioned it, I’d love to see Tom Felton and also Natalia Tena in it.

    As for muggle celebs, I don’t know. Maybe someone like Josh Thomas, so he can spread the word on Talkin’ ’bout Your Generation. Don’t know if any of you have heard of that show, but its basically a game show about the generations. And its really funny!

    So yeah, Josh Thomas, of Gen Y.

  28. Linorien Avatar

    I wish my friend Priyanka was. She’s your average fan and the only other one who dressed up for the primere. However, she has not realized the glory of how wonderful Wrock is.

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