Question Tuesday

As many Wizard Rockers and Wizard Rock fans know, there is something of an unofficial agreement between the Wizard Rock community and Warner Bros. The Wrockers are allowed to make their music and sell it online, so long as they do not sell any other merchandise online. So this begs the question of what merchandise each of us have and, most interestingly…

What is your favorite piece of Wizard Rock merchandise? That you own? That you’ve heard about?

Personally, my favorite piece of merchandise that I own is the (now empty) Harry and the Potters dental floss. Not only does it have “Harry and the Potters” printed on it, but it’s in the shape of a tooth. I love it. I wish I had the toothbrush as well, but haven’t got it as of this moment. Maybe one day.

Another favorite was actually a free gift with purchase of their album… it is a hair ribbon (cleverly attached to a bobby pin) from Siriusly Hazza P. When you buy their album Charming, you get the choice of a free hair ribbon or a “Siriusly Hazza P” guitar pick. I love it!

One thing I wish I had is one of those gorgeous hand-made bookmarks from Riddle TM. They were available at LeakyCon, but I somehow didn’t end up getting one. I now regret it and have every hope that they will be present at Wrockstock for my purchasing!

Thanks to Laura for suggesting this question for today’s Question Tuesday!

40 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    That I own? My ‘Team Lupin’ shirt. What a brilliant idea. I’m not Team Edward or Team Jacob, I’m Team Lupin. Third party ftw.

    That I don’t own? Another TRL product actually. It’s their old teal ‘Fight Evil. Read Books.’ shirt, from the Teenage Werewolf era (Yeah, it’s an era now).

    Not only is it the most brilliant tagline in Wizard Rock (Only ‘Jff is my BFF’ has come close), but it also made a great shirt, with the outlined picture of Remus on it and everything.

    Great stuff, Alex.

  2. Grace Avatar

    Those HatP toothbrushes were awesome. I think they said Rock the Plaque Off or something? I found a couple while I was cleaning this weekend. Win.

    I think the Tonks and the Aurors coloring book has to be my favorite, though – but maybe that’s because mine features crayon-y commentary from a certain Humdinger. 😉

    The current trend in tote bags is really nice, too… that’s what I’m going to pick up on my next merch splurge.

  3. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    Vic says: :O Dental floss?! :O I need some dental floss!
    Indeed, dental floss sounds amazing. HatP’s merch is brilliant, I want some bacon mints but have always been too afraid to try. Perhaps at Wrockstock… 😀 Mmmm bacon.

    It’s a cool question, btw, and RiddleTM bookmarks will be available at Wrockstock!! 😀

  4. Julia Avatar

    WHAT?! There are HatP toothbrushes and I don’t have one?! Can we find a way to fix that please?

    My fav bits of merch that I do have are my “Make Love Not Horcruxes” Remus Lupins shirt (from the Nevermind the Furthermore” era) and my “Harry and the Potters Rock the Library” t-shirt. I also love the EP of the month club book marks. I use mine all the time, they’re sweet.

    Really, the coolest WRock thing I have is my set list collection. I go to shows, I take sets lists, I hang them on my wall. It’s the coolest thing ever. 🙂

  5. James Avatar

    I own very little Wrock Merc and the only stuff i own has been free stuff. The Siriusly Hazza P guitar pick and the HatP postcards and WR-EP-otMC bookmark.

    Yay for loving the hair ribbon! 😀

  6. Alatarielle Avatar

    I second Julia’s comment! There are HatPs toothbrushes?? I want one!!!

    My fav piece of merch that I own is the Remus Lupins “Make love not Horcruxes” shirt.

    My fav piece that I dont own is the HatPs tote bag. My friend Michelle has one and I always envy her for it 😉

  7. Tracy Avatar

    I too don’t have much in the way of wrock memorabilia, and haven’t yet had the money for the new Siriusly Hazza P album (next month for sure) so no guitar pick or hair ribbon yet, but I do have the HatP postcards and the WR bookmark. My favourite though has to be the T shirt Mark from Marked As His Equal gave me. 😀

    I need a Riddle TM bookmark!

  8. Stine Avatar

    This is an easy one. I don’t own very much merchandise as I’ve never been to any shows, but my favorite piece that I do own is by far the “Team Lupin” shirt that my friend Olivier got me at LeakyCon. Not only do I love the idea of being on Team Lupin, and the general fact that it’s an authentic TRL/Wizard Rock shirt (which is sort of surreal to me living across the world), but it’s signed with “Happy Birthday” from Alex. One of the coolest birthday presents I’ve ever gotten!

    As for merchandise I want, there’s so much… But I’ve always wanted one of the TRL “Make Love Not Horcruxes” shirts. Such a brilliant tagline. Save some for Wrockstock?

  9. Dinahsaur Avatar

    Julia, I love your set list collection as well! Personally, I don’t have anything quite of that sort, but it makes your collection that much closer to unique! 😉

    Stine, you just wait ’til Wrockstock! You’re going to go crazy! Last year’s WS was my first time with the opportunity to get a lot of different merch and I really don’t even know how much money I spent. Start saving now! Seriously! 😀

  10. Cathrin - SHP Avatar

    Yay, glad you liked the hairbow! 🙂

  11. James Avatar

    Ok changed my mind someone mentiond a HatP tote bag. I have no idea if its the same thing but the bag that Ellie won at the Hogwarts Jamboree was the best thing ever. Seriously i wanted to steal it. It was amazing!

  12. SkylinePigeon Avatar

    I LOVE my Team Lupin shirt. I hate Twilight soooooo much so I like how I am expressing my HP nerdiness and hatred for Twilight in one shirt! It’s amazing.

    Wish I had a HATP tooth brush though, those sound too amazing for words.

  13. thehogwartshouseband Avatar

    I love ALL my wrock merch (several shirts and a Whomping Willows tote)! But my favorite would have to be my HatP shirt that says Save Ginny! I’ve had people I don’t know recognize it, which is cool.

  14. Dinahsaur Avatar

    Ooh, the tote discussion reminded me of my Whompy tote… I have the “music + tree = love” one. The reason I enjoy it so much is because it was a trade. I had found a nifty carrier bag that made me think of Matt, so when I gave it to him, he traded me one of his totes for it. So that worked out well for me!

  15. Dinahsaur Avatar

    ps. Cathrin! I wore my hairbow at Azkatraz! Poor picture, but here’s proof!

  16. Andrew Avatar

    Apparently it’s a popular option, but my favourite is also my Make Love, Not Horcruxes shirt!

  17. Laura! Avatar

    You’re welcome for the suggestion! 😀

    My favorite piece of Wizard Rock merch is definitely my HatP pillowcase. I bought it the very first time I saw them (along with 2 tshirts) and it will always remind me of that show. I love it mostly because it allows me to display my love for them 24/7 because it never leaves my bed.

  18. Jayelen Avatar

    The HATP Unlimited Enthusiasm tour Zine. It has Paul’s personal recommendation of the best places get hot dogs. And the beginning of a story “Hagrid in Space”, AND a mini-comic about HATP and and and… (I think they still have it in their web store.)

    PS I also demand toothbrushes!

  19. Elizabeth Avatar

    I don’t know if this necessary counts as merch but my favorite bits of wrock memorabilia would have to be a tie between my signed copies of “Demons at the Helm” and “The Rest is Silence.”

  20. Marauder Avatar

    I don’t have any, but, question about the Warner Brothers thing – if you’re not selling wizard rock but are giving it away for free, then does it have sort of the same legal status as fanfiction?

  21. Zivlok Avatar

    I’ve got now TWO HatP toothbrushes. My favorite piece of merchandise, though, is probably my Wandicorn t-shirt. It’s rather easy to find it – it’s either in the washing machine, or on my body. And not as often the former as is probably very cleanly or healthy…

    My second favorite bit of merchandise is my collection of wizard rock indie buttons, which I keep attached to my Ravenclaw tie, which I keep attached to my fedora.

    My style is a tad distinctive.

    I also have a Curse Breakers bookmark which I love, and about 75 of those green bookmarks advertising the 2008 Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club.

  22. Zivlok Avatar

    @Marauder: Not, it’s not that we have to give away anything about wizard rock for free, it’s just that we can’t sell anything besides CD’s online, because it could cut into their profit margin. I mean, WB isn’t going to come out with sponsored wrock CD’s, but they do sell HP bookmarks and clothes and things, and they don’t want people deciding they’d rather have a The Whomping Willows t-shirt, instead of buying an official WB t-shirt with a picture of the Whomping Willows on it.

  23. Sylvie Avatar

    My fave is (no big surprise here…) my OBatR shirt, and my OBatR bag.
    They’re amazing. OH, and my OBatR guitar pick.

    I also reallyreallyreally want one of the small Gred & Forge bags that I’ve seen people with.

  24. Brad Ausrotas Avatar

    Oh, I forgot.

    Harry and the Potters bacon mints TOTALLY takes the cake for me in terms of best non-wearable merch ever. Especially after their show at Leakycon… Oh so appropriate.

  25. Patrick Avatar

    I really liked my House of Awesome temporary tattoo. (which I don’t have any more… because I wore it. Matt need more of those if you’re still looking for Merch ideas) The tattoo is tied closely with House of Awesome braclet, and JFF created Whomp The House Tour posters. Their is more merch that I want than I can come up with now, but I’ll go with a Gred & Forge “Poo” shirt for now.

  26. obockstal Avatar

    Next to CD’s, some signed, I don’t own very much Merch except for the free stuff like Siriusly Hazza P guitar pick, WREPotMC-bookmark and some buttons.
    I’ll have Blibbering Humdingers shirts soon (they’re waiting for me in California)

    Stine, it was really a pleasure ! Hunting Alex for him to sign it was to XP !

  27. WizardRockDA Avatar

    I like to put wrock buttons I collect on my guitar strap.

  28. Martha Avatar

    At Azkatraz I bought Ministry of Magic’s new album Onward and Upward and got all five of them to sign it, so that’s my most special piece of merch because I’m a total Ministry of Magic fangirl. I also got a very cute purple Ministry of Magic t-shirt that says “You and me, it’s like alchemy” and has pictures of potions bottles on it.

  29. Lion Avatar

    Oh god. ): I think… my favorite piece of merch that I own is probably my sweet HatP Unlimited Enthusiasm tour poster that I got last year. That thing friggin ROCKS. For those of you who know what it looks like, you know what I’m talking about. For those of you who don’t, you’re missing out!

    Hmm, let’s see… well, there’s a ton of wrock CDs I regret not buying, it’s a pain in the arse to have to go through my mom to get them online. 🙁 Besides that… I wish I’d gotten a Team Lupin shirt, even though I love the one I have. (the TRL California one)

    Also, probably the coolest non-merch wrock thing is my ticket from Wrock Around the Rock!! It’s signed by Whompy, Lauren from the Moaning Myrtles, Erin from House of Black, the bassist from the Remus Lupins (I’m pretty sure he was on bass? Please, dude, tell me you were on bass or else I’ll feel loke a total jerk.), and 3 guys from Ministry of Magic (sorry guys, can’t read your signatures). Plus, it’s a souvenier of THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. I love it. <3

  30. Lana Alethea Avatar
    Lana Alethea

    I can see WB’s point about merch but it sucks for me as it’s unlikely that I can see any Wrockers live.

    I did however order both a Wrockstock and a Wizard Rockumentary t-shirt! 😀

  31. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar

    I love my ‘Save Ginny’ t shirt. I really do wear it nearly everyday XD
    The bacon mints taste discusting, I tried some of Lane’s at Leaky Con! I also love the ‘JFF is my BFF’ shirt, because it is one awesome catchphrase!

    But, I would have to say my favourite piece of merch is my wizard rockumentary shirt, because it’s signed BY EVERYONE 😀

    @James MY BAG BEATS ALL OTHER BAGS IN THE WHOLE WORLD! :O you screamed a lot when I won that XD

  32. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    Yes! Ellie’s bag tops the list of just plain amazing merch that I would love to have. I had to resist the urge to go yoink! and leg it.

  33. Dinahsaur Avatar

    @Lion The bassist for tRL is Tyler. Is that who you got to sign it? Or the drummer with the dreds, Toby?

    Also… you just reminded me about MY Unlimited Enthusiasm poster! I rarely get things signed, but decided to go ahead and get the poster signed by EVERYONE who performed when I was there. So it’s signed by Math the Band, Jason Anderson and the Best (I believe is the name of the band), Uncle Monsterface, and Harry and the Potters. It’s framed and hangs over my bed (when not in my storage unit as it is at the moment).

  34. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar


  35. Joella Avatar

    For me, my favorite non-CD merch would have to be my “Support the Order” TRL shirt, because I got it at my first TRL wrock show/first wrock show and that shirt just holds a lot of memories for me :). As for CDs, I’d have to go with either my copy of Jingle Spells, because it was the first hard copy wrock CD that I owned, or my copy of IwaTW, because Alex gave me that after learning it was my birthday, and wrote a special message on it =]

  36. Andrew Avatar

    I totally didn’t think to mention it, since I don’t consider them “merch” as such, but I am also very proud of my signed CDs. Especially my copy of Nevermind the Furthermore – Alex signed it first, during his solo acoustic tour, at the top of the triangle. Then when I saw the full band, Toby signed at the bottom right of the triangle. Naturally I asked Tyler to sign the bottom left – and yes, I actually said this to him, I am lame – so that he could “complete the triangle”.

    Oh, and I wanted to buy Gred and Forge’s “Half the Band I Used to Be”, but he only had one copy left – the display copy! It still has the pieces of tape on which “$10” and “Classic!” are written. 🙂 (And Jarrod’s autograph on the cover inside the plastic, too. Right under the tape, actually.)

  37. Abby Avatar

    I haven enough wizard rock shirts to wear a different one everyday for nearly a month. Heh. I could also build a small hut out of the CD’s I have physical copies of. If I included downloads in that, probably a large hut… LOL. I love it all, though. Sometimes I have a hard time getting dressed cause I can’t decide between shirts!

  38. plimpysoup Avatar

    @ everyone who was at Hogwarts Jamboree

    The raffle there was amazing! I didn’t win anything, but I was so jealous of everyone who did!

    My wrock merch collection is only small, I have a Siriusly Hazza P pick, which I’ve stuck a safety pin on to so I can wear it, and a cute little RiddleTM badge too. And, for a reason I’m not entirely sure of, I’ve kept the envelopes that my WREPotM cds came in! I really wish that bands could sell merch online, I have a HP Alliance shirt, but I’d love some wrock ones.

  39. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar

    That was the best raffle I have EVER been in.

  40. Super Snape Avatar
    Super Snape

    I haven’t been a wrock fan for very long, so I don’t have much wrock gear, but I have tons of HP related stuff. I have two totally awesome Azkatraz shotglasses that I got for free at Azkatraz.

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