Question Tuesday

5 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. LunasCeiling Avatar

    Wrock Around the Rock was genuinely epic (a word so grossly over-used but absolutely appropriate in this case). The energy level of the audience was somewhere in the gigawatt range. Coming from the goth/industrial world, Ariel and I are used to audiences who seem to think they have to be aloof and mildly cynical in order to be properly “cool” (VNV Nation shows aside). It was so much fun – and SO refreshing – to see an audience so completely over-the-top INTO what they were hearing.

    No favorite…every set was fantastic. Did have some highlights, though: getting a shout-out from Erin during “Wizard Rock Fangirl,” getting complimented on my cdancing (I figure teh complimenter was either myopic, drunk, or both), Ariel getting hauled up on stage by Erin during the Ministry of Magic set to dance.

    Good stuff at teh Prison Break Ball, too…

    Oh, and several symposium presentations were about one aspect of wrock or another, and they were very good. We’re not a new band, but this event was Luna’s Ceiling’s first real public foray in the fandom. We learned a good bit about how the wizard rock scene is operating, and made a lot of wonderful friends.

  2. Linorien Avatar

    That sounds like so much fun. I really wish I could’ve gone.

  3. Lion Avatar

    Azcatraz. Was. AMAZING.

    I went to Wrock Around the Rock (me and me friend were the kids screaming hufflepuff at everything), which was completely awesome. Best set: probably the Remus Lupins, then a tie for second between Whompy and MoM. House of Black was good too, it wasn’t her fault they served the food right when she started.
    Anyway, it was incredibly fun. I danced like crazy and sang along to everything I knew the words to. The boat factor was awesome (especially when Alex sang “I’m on a Boat”). I would love to go to more wizard rock on boats but i don’t think I could afford it 🙁 This was a birthday present.

    I was totally looking forward to the wrock show on Saturday but it was 21 and up! To compensate some of the wrockers did a little acoustic set back at the hotel that was hosting Azcatraz. It was mostly the same somgs from Wrock around the Rock, but a really different feeling. Wrock around the Rock was like a big rock show, whereas this felt like a lot of friends having a sing-along. Very different things, but both amazing. Two best nights of my life maybe?

    I also saw Fair Fortune, which was my first wrock opera (don’t know if it was THE first but it was my first). My friend and I got fairly bad seats but I think it was worth it to be able to watch John Noe eat his butterbeer (not like a creepy stalker thing, we would have laughed no matter who’d been eating it, it was just a very funny eating/drinking of Butterbeer and it was john. Man, I really sound like such a creeper…)

    All-in-all, I had an amazing time.

    There needs to be more HP events in san francisco/the bay area! Seriously, everything’s in like Boston or whatever and I can’t fly out there! 🙁 Please?

  4. LunaTuna Avatar

    It was absolutely amazing!!!! I was in the front dancing the whole time, and the croud moved up so close to the bands by the end that I was hit by Alex Carpenter’s guitar about 5 times and I was literally 6 inches from him.

    The Ministry of Magic did an amazing job, Voldemark is just wonderful. All of the bands did great. By far the best wizrock show I’ve ever been to.

  5. Fandom_United Avatar

    The Wrock at Azkatraz was nothing short of spectacular!!! I was at Wrock around the rock taking pictures like a madman 😀 The energy was so high that we didn’t even need any patronuses to keep the dementors in the fog at bay. lol. Then the 21 and over art gallery show wrocking out like there was no tomorrow. The crowd was smaller, there was room to dance and the bands got to play some of there more mature songs *cough*Fred Lives*cough* Then at the common room show where like Lion said, it felt more like a big group sing along than a concert. My favorite Azkatraz Wrock experience was the Ministry of Magics set after the Ball. With just 1 microphone for 5 guys they killed it! Just killed it! I’ve got bruises from that show. That’s how good it was!

    One last thing… Lion, Rock on Fellow Puff!

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