Weekly Wrock Wrap Up

Less than four days until Half-Blood Prince!


With the approach of Half-Blood Prince, wizard rock has really gotten a lot of attention from Muggles this week! If you happen to catch something, please email us or Tweet it to @wizrocklopedia so we can get the word out.

Stacy of Swish and Flick was interviewed for this piece in Time Out New York.

The New York Post talked with Miles of MC Kreacher and Paul of Harry and the Potters here.

MercuryNews.com interviewed Alex of The Remus Lupins, Christie of 142 Staircases, Miles Kane and Josh Koury from We Are Wizards, and Dinah for this article.

Time Magazine even wrote about wizard rock! The story is online here, and you can pick up a copy from the newsstand starting on Tuesday.

The Harry Potter Alliance is continuing their What Would Dumbledore Do? campaign. Paul DeGeorge’s contribution can be found here and Matt Maggiacomo’s here.


We added a show with Kwikspell, Secondhand Magic Supplies, and Statutory Snape on July 18th. Check the calendar for details.

Harry and the Potters will be playing three shows in the next few days in anticipation of Half-Blood Prince. Details here.


Prophets of Godrics Hollow have posted some free downloads for us. An instrumental version of their upcoming album, Death Eater Madness, is available here, and an album of remixed Nine Inch Nails songs can be found here.

Hogwarts Hotel has their debut EP, Prophecies, for you here.

After not hearing from them for awhile, Hollow Godric has promised to have a new album for us on August 7th!


New songs this week:
‘Ferocious Dragon Hunger!!’ by The Bandon Banshees

‘With Great Power…’, ‘Empty Lies (Trapped By Time Wremix)’, a remix of The Grey Ladies‘ song, and ‘All Is Well (Slytherin Dystopia Mix)’, a remix of a Split Seven Ways song by Dawlish and the Archies.

‘My Prophecy’ by The Butterbeer Experience, available on YouTube.


Siriusly Hazza P has a video up for ‘Malfoy is a Jerk’ that you can check out here, and they also covered Take That’s ‘The Garden’.

Below is a seriously fun fanvid for Gred and Forge‘s D.A. Power that includes Tianna of I Speak Tree.

7 responses to “Weekly Wrock Wrap Up”

  1. heidi tandy Avatar

    Hi guys – um, you left WROCK AROUND THE ROCK with the Remus Lupins, Whomping Willows, Ministry of Magic and House of Black, and all the rest of the Wrock (post-ball, during the PJ party) at Azkatraz off the SHOWS list for the week.

    Can you either do a post about all of it, or at least add it on? Wrock Around the Rock is in San Francisco at 6:30 on Friday, and the rest of the events are on the schedule at the Azkatraz website at http://www.hp2009.org.

  2. Russ Avatar

    New Hollow Godric?

    Only the best news since the Dr. Funke’s 100% Natural Good Time Family Band Solution reunion tour was announced.

    But I’m more excited for new Hollow Godric.

  3. Freya Avatar

    @Russ: I just spit water all over my monitor. Thank you for reminding me of Dr. Funke’s 100% Natural Good Time Family Band Solution.

  4. Gina Avatar

    Hey guys, just to let you know that Time actually publishes on a Friday now, so you can already pick up a copy of the issue featuring that article!

  5. Martha Avatar

    Wow! It is soooo awesome that wrock is getting this much attention.

  6. Amy Avatar

    Also left out the WZRD episodes this month…

  7. eviljim Avatar

    I’m soooo glad to find out that according to The NY Post article I’m a teenage girl!!!!LOL

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