Question Tuesday

Today marks the six month anniversary of Question Tuesday! Thanks for sticking around to chat about wizard rock every week with us.

A fun, easy question for you this week:

What is your favorite wizard rock song to dance to?

I would have to say that Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills’ ‘Honeydukes’ or The Purebloods’ ‘Death Eater Disco’ are mine.

19 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Clara Avatar

    That’s hard to decide… I think my favorites are Looking for Trouble by the Remus Lupins and 99 Deaths Eaters by Draco and the Malfoys, as watching live videos from these songs always makes me dance on my own in front of my computer ^_^
    I also love Voldemort Fangirl by the Parselmouths, Gryffindor Rally Cry by Ministry of Magic, and Ravin’ in the Great Hall by Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. So catchy !

  2. Jake Niffler Avatar

    Totally agree with Honeydukes. I can’t help myself when Skipping Class comes on and recently “Neville Never gets the Girl” by Neville’s Diary.

  3. Martha Avatar

    Anything by Ministry of Magic!

  4. Laura! Avatar

    The Yule Ball by Neville’s Diary always gets me dancing. And I agree with Martha: absolutely ANYTHING by Ministry of Magic!

  5. connors11s Avatar

    “Looking for Trouble” by The Remus Lupins is fantastic. I also enjoy headbanging to “Blood of a Prince” by Harry and the Potters. Not one of their more popular songs, but still brilliant.

  6. HP.Obsessed Avatar

    This may not count as Wrock but Can You Dance Like A Hippogriff makes me dance(when alone) and Don’t Let This Magic Die aswell.

  7. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    I have come to believe that My Dad Is Rich by DatM isn’t a song. It is in fact a cloak, not unlike the Invisibility Cloak, that makes the wearer seem completely insane to everyone around them.
    “My dad is what?!” The people stare at said cloaked individual, an expression of anger and bafflement on their faces. “And why are those limbs flailing around like that?”
    To cap it all off, if the starers are still around at the end when the effects of the cloak wear off, they find themselves even more surprised as the mad, flailing person turns around and gives them a big, heartwarming hug.

    Yeah, I love the Malfoys <3.

  8. Nicole Avatar

    I think mine would be “Graduation Day” by the Remus Lupins.

  9. Kenz Avatar

    “Looking For Trouble” – tRL
    “Loosen Your Tie” – tRL
    “Skipping Class” – tRL
    “The Lightning Struck Tower” – MoM
    “Old Enough To Die” – MoM
    “Call To Arms” – MoM
    “We Are The DA” – OBatR
    “Mischief Managed” – OBatR
    “Hogsmeade Hop” – OBatR
    “You Don’t Know Jack (About Magic)” – OBatR
    “Flight of the Prince” – OBatR
    “Spells & Scars” – OBatR
    “She A Mudblood” – Danny D
    “Headed to Hogwarts” – Catchlove
    “I’ll Be There” – TatA
    “Aurors FTW” – TatA
    “Go Go Gryffindors!” – MisuseOMAO ft. OBatR
    “Dance Time” – MoM
    “In Which Moaning Myrtle Moans” – tMM
    “Wizard Rock Heart Throb” – Whompy
    “Seven Potters” – tRL

    That’s all I can think of at the moment…

  10. Kate Avatar

    Hard question… I think I’d have to say Lovegood by Ministry of Magic.

  11. Andrew Avatar

    Seconding You Don’t Know Jack by OBatR. It’s actually a requirement that you headbang to the guitar hook. I’m pretty sure.

    Another one that always gets me moving might be an odd choice – APWBD by the Remus Lupins. I just love the groove. Plus it’s obligatory to clap like they’re playing it live when you get to the last verse.

  12. Michèle Avatar

    Anything by Swish and Flick makes me wanna dance!

  13. Ellatrix (The Lost Diadems) Avatar

    Looking for Trouble by The Remus Lupins. Hell yeah!

  14. Stephanie Avatar

    Anything by Ministry of Magic is awesome to dance to.

  15. eviljim Avatar

    Astoria Greengrass & the Pure Blood Prince or Draco Malfoy by Swish & Flick.Heck most ANYTHING by SnF!For pure dance music Potter Addiction by House Of Black.And oh yea,House of Awesome by Whompy always makes me wanna jump up & down!!

  16. Ravenclaw2313 Avatar

    Death Eater Tango by The Butterbeer Experience. I really want to actually make a dance for that one.

    Also House of Awesome by the Whomping Willows and Accio Love by MoM.

  17. Stine Avatar

    Looking for Trouble by The Remus Lupins is a definite on my list as well. Especially the live versions; how could anyone not dance and sing along to that? I also love their newest song, Graduation Day – “Come on, let’s dance!”

    And of course, most songs by Ministry of Magic are made for dancing. Two of my favorites to dance to are Goodbye Privet Drive and Call to Arms.

  18. Camie Avatar

    I can dance to anything. It doesn’t matter to me who is playing.. if I am with my friends, we are gonna dance!

  19. delani Avatar

    Snape vs. Snape- Mom

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