Wrocking Down Under

On our Earth’s smallest continent there lies a Wizard Rock scene just waiting to be discovered. The Wizard Rock community in Australia might be small, but a few musicians are working hard to change that.

The Wizarding World was originally created by Alex to contribute to a compilation to get the Australian Wizard Rock scene more publicity, but Alex soon found himself wanting to record more music and release an album of his own. After creating an EP adaptation of the seven books, he struck out to record more original material, collaborating with Kelly from Enchanted Ceiling Productions for her first vocal appearance. Alex offers two of his albums for download, Hogwarts: Songs From the Books and Demos, B-Sides and Rarities. Alex has grand plans for his future as a Wizard Rock artist: soon he will be working with “the pioneers of wrock,” Harry and the Potters, in a 12-song collaboration titled Demo’s, B-Sides and Rarities III. Alex says that the Australian Wizard Rock Compilation, tentatively titled Wrocking Down Under, is still a possibility, but he is focusing on his own music for the time being.

Wrocking Down Under will feature music from a number of Australian Wizard Rock bands and solo artists, such as Colours in the Cauldron and Snape’s Army. Colours in the Cauldron is made up of Linny, Ecm, and Kirie, who formed their band to have fun playing music together: “We thought, Hey that might be cool, to play music.” They are striving for an original sound, though they don’t deny being influenced by others: “We listen to a lot of wizard rock bands, but we’re not really trying to be like anyone.” This is not the case for Ben, of Snape’s Army. Ben says he was influenced by a lot of Muggle bands, especially Nine Inch Nails, and he says that “the experimential nature of their music was my biggest inspiration.” Like Colours in the Cauldron, Ben started his band to have fun, and keep Harry Potter a part of his life after the seventh book was released. Ben says that he was feeling “extremely sad, as no more books were coming” and was more than happy to contribute a song to Wrocking Down Under. Colours in the Cauldron say that they are extremely excited to be contributing to the compilation, and they hope that it will bring more awareness to the Wizard Rock community in Australia, and hopefully people will realize that they are “not just scary people with funny accents.”

At the moment, the Wizard Rock scene in Australia is small. Ben, of Snape’s Army, occasionally performs in Sydney, while Colours in the Cauldron is anticipating their first show in Victoria soon, where they predict that the crowds “will be kinda small considering know one really knows about it here.” Alex, from The Wizarding World, admits that an Australian Wizard Rock Tour was “never really going to go ahead, it was just a glorified possibility.” Ben has a more drastic outlook on the future of Wizard Rock: “With no more books coming, WRock can only decline from here on out.” This perspective might be shared by some other musicians in our world’s smallest continent, but hopefully one day soon, we will all be wrocking Down Under.

9 responses to “Wrocking Down Under”

  1. Alex (from TWW) Avatar

    Thanks Laura for writing this, it’s really great to have Australian wizard rock praised like this. The compilation is now receiving it’s last few tracks and will be released shortly and will be released to coincide with my third EP.

  2. Dinahsaur Avatar

    That’s so exciting to hear, Alex! I can’t wait for the compilation!!

  3. Kat Avatar

    oh! that’s quite a nice idea to have a compilation. I’ll defs have a listen. Aussie Wrock fans represent.

  4. Matt (Mimbulus Mimbletonia) Avatar

    I can’t wait for this, it’ll be awesome xD

  5. WizardRockDA Avatar

    Speaking of Australian Wizard Rockers, I wish we could hear more from We-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. They were one of the first few bands I had listened to when I initially stumbled across Wizard Rock in late 2006, and I really loved their music.

  6. Alex Avatar

    The compilation has now been released for free download at http://www.myspace.com/wrockindownunder — support Aussie wrock!

  7. Laura! Avatar

    Awesome! I will download the compilation as soon as I get home! (I’m at work, and can’t get on MySpace)

  8. Katy Black Avatar
    Katy Black

    Thank god! I keep looking, but I could never find Aussie wrock. Thanks for posting this! 😀

  9. Alex of TWW Avatar

    “Wrockin’ Down Under II” has now been released for free download at http://drop.io/auswrock — support Aussie wrock!

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