Question Tuesday!

There are plenty of ways that the wizard rock scene is different than other Muggle music scenes, but there’s one thing in particular that I’m curious about.

Do you wear a band’s tshirt to their show?

I know that at a metal concert, that’s a big no-no. eHow has a list of rules as to what tshirts would be appropriate, but I tend to think it’s nonsense. Wear what you want, even if that band happens to be onstage. I’m certainly not judging anyone.

24 responses to “Question Tuesday!”

  1. Laura! Avatar

    I usually make my own shirts to wear to shows. I have 3 Harry and the Potters shirts that I made to wear to their shows, and that I asked the boys to sign afterwards. They are my favorite shirts ever, and I will certainly continue wearing them to shows, regardless of who’s playing.

  2. Abby Avatar

    I tend to worry about what I wear to shows, even though it’s silly. I like to look good at the concerts because I don’t get to see the people very often, and when I DO see them, I worry. So normally I wear nice Muggle clothes.
    Sometimes I do wear a shirt of a different band, but rarely that band that’s playing.

  3. Caity Avatar

    Sometimes I will wear a band t-shirt, not always the band playing, to shows, but not always. I tend to favor more muggle clothes with a hint of wrock in it(cute outfit with a tie perhaps) to straight up t-shirts.

  4. Nagini Avatar

    I wear whatever. Always. I think everyone should. 🙂

  5. muggle friend Avatar
    muggle friend

    I think as long as one can buy it in a muggle shop, it is acceptable, at least according to Archie:

  6. Julia Avatar

    I almost always wear WRock shirts to WRock shows. Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t usually wear a shirt of the band that’s playing. I can only remember doing that once, which is when I wore an “I Believe in Nargles” shirt to a Whompy show. If it’s a small concert I’ll usually wear a red band shirt (Harry and the Potter “Rock the Library,” Gred and Forge, Remus Lupins “Looking for Trouble” or “Make Love not Horcruxes”) with my Gryffindor tie as a headband. If it’s a bigger concert, then I wear a white button down with my Gryffindor tie.

  7. Michelle Avatar

    No. I try not to wear a shirt that is from the band I’m seeing. In some cases, where there are a LOT of bands at one show, I might end up wearing a shirt from one of the bands, but even then, I try not to.

  8. Patrick Avatar

    I try really hard not to wear tutus to wrock shows, because I think being prettier than the band playing is insulting. With a lot of determination I have been able to uphold this little personal superstition, but I won’t lie I almost slipped once, or twice.

  9. Russ Avatar

    Yeah I’m with Patrick. I opt more for the blouse, pants, and comfy flats for all the dancing.


    Feh, who cares about being “that guy” – I wear the shirt of the band I’m seeing all the time. Especially if I just bought the shirt that night. What’s wrong with showing your support?

    Wearing your OWN band’s shirt onstage, however… now THERE’S a Mr. Blackwell no-no.

  10. Andrew Avatar

    I was actually just thinking about this yesterday, since I was wearing my Team Lupin shirt. I probably won’t wear it see TRL next month, but I might wear it to the Whompy/JFF/Myrtle show.

    The more ambiguous question for me is whether I should wear the spiffy vest I just bought? At least I don’t have a fedora..

    Edit: Although I agree with Russ, I like to put the shirts I buy at the show on. See my avatar.

  11. Jarrod Avatar

    I wear Gred & Forge shirts while I’m playing Gred and Forge shows. I think the twins would want it that way. Shameless self-promotion is totally their style. 🙂

    And I think it’s awesome when people wear G&F shirts to my shows, it makes me way happy.

  12. Sam Avatar

    I think it really doesn’t matter, if you want to wear one, then great, and if you don’t, then that is great too. I have worn band shirts to concerts, but a lot of the times I am just in muggle attire.

  13. slythphoenix116 Avatar

    To be honest, I really have never thought in-depth about this one. I consciously almost always wear Wizard Rock shirts to wrock shows, (since I have upwards of 20 of them, and where better to where them?) but I don’t think I ever thought of there being any sort of taboo on wearing a band’s shirt to their show. I’m a proponent of the “wear what you want/ whatever you can be comfortable jumping up and down in for long amounts of time” camp.

  14. Linorien Avatar

    I would probably wear some HP related shirt. Or to a Remus Lupins concert I might wear my shirt that says ‘Books is good’ (A take-off on life is good.) But always something comfy.

  15. Justin Avatar

    Well for Hallows & Horcruxes I always wear the concert shirt that Pearl and I design. For other shows I usually wear a different Wrock band’s shirt or Muggle clothes. Fan made shirts are always a good option as well.

  16. meg Avatar

    I never wear the shirt of the band I’m seeing, even at wrock shows. I don’t really know why, I just got into the habit of not doing that at indie shows and it stuck. I might wear something else wrock-related cause I know people will appreciate it, but not the same band. Idk, I don’t think it’s that big a deal either way. And at wrock shows you can always go for the traditional Hogwarts uniform =)

  17. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    Woohoo! Thumbs up to WRock T-shirts! If you really love a band and want to show your appreciation of them, why NOT wear their shirt? … >_> Or are you saying WRock shirts are ugly?! 😛

  18. Whompy Avatar

    Since JFF and I tour together so much, we develop little games to amuse ourselves, and one of them is the t-shirt competition. We always, always take note of the wizard rock band t-shirts that people wear to our shows, and we often turn it into a fake contest. Most often, Remus Lupins or Harry and the Potters shirts win, but occasionally there will be more people wearing WW or JFF shirts. Whenever Willows shirts outnumber JFF shirts at a show, I’ll use that as an excuse for him beating me in merch sales. 😉

  19. Jenni Avatar

    Well, until recently I never had that problem since my first wizard rock show was only this past December, and I didn’t have any wizard rock band shirts until I bought them at the show.

    I tend to take the opportunity to dress like a girl whenever I’m not at work, since my job requires I wear jeans, t-shirts and sneakers/work boots. So I wind up wearing a lot of band t-shirts to work and getting strange looks/questions (which in itself is a little odd since I work in theatre and we have no shortage of weird around here).

  20. Kelsey Avatar

    I use the same rule for Wrock shows that I do for Muggle shows. T-shirts of the band that is playing is ONLY ok if it is a homemade shirt, and for muggle music, there are some exceptions. I have to play it by ear.

    My general rule for “meeting famous people” is to wear a t-shirt of something totally unrelated to the setting. It serves as sort of a conversation piece.

  21. batbogeyhexer Avatar

    I always wear wrock t-shirts to shows and it’s usually of the band that’s playing… or if I really like a shirt I’ve just bought, I’ll wear that. I like to show my support! 😉 But it’s really not that big of a deal, since I wear wrock t-shirts to work everyday.

  22. Camie Avatar

    To people who have followed some of my answers on here.. they will know that I have a huge amount of wrock t-shirts.

    To say I have never worn a wrock t-shirt of the same band that I was seeing play would be a lie. I have done it many, many times.

    I have recently been staying away from the wrock shirts at wrock shows, instead opting to show off some of my Threadless shirts, or some nice tanks, and other outfits.

    Will I be wearing Wrock shirts at Leaky Con, yes.
    Will I try to match up bands to the shirts I am wearing for that day, no.
    Will I wear wrock shirts to concerts at Leaky Con, probably not.

    I just don’t think about it as a huge deal.

    I like wearing wrock shirts to book stores, around town, around college they are always a conversation starter.

  23. Katy Avatar

    I often find that I wear my homemade Hufflepuff shirt, it’s just painted to look like a sweater vest and tie on the front and asks “Where my badgers at?” on the back. However, when I was going through my photos recently, I noticed I seem to wear my “Scientologist make better actors” shirt more often than that…

  24. Tracy Avatar

    I only have one wrock tshirt (Marked As His Equal) and I wear it quite a lot in the Muggle world. Not yet worn it to a wrock show, but I might wear it for Hogwarts Jamboree in June, although it’ll depend how I feel on the day. 🙂

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