Question Tuesday!

I woke up this morning in a cold sweat because of a dream I had. Justin of Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills was in town, and it was his birthday. Only I didn’t know that, and I was completely unprepared for it. No cake, no presents, no nothing.
I have also had a dream in which the Draco and the Malfoys‘ MySpace expired, and it was the Wizrocklopedia’s responsibility to get it back up and running. All day long, people just kept yelling at me to fix it. I guess no one could live without the Dracos’ MySpace for a day.
What about you?

Have you ever had a wizard rock-related dream?

P.S. In the interest of not embarrassing our wizard rocker friends, let’s keep the subject matter away from our love lives.

23 responses to “Question Tuesday!”

  1. Lori Avatar

    Yes! Haha, I thought it was nuts. I had a dream where Matt from The Whomping Willows (Whompy HIMSELF) was boarding at our house for a few nights, only, no one knew he was THE Matt Maggiacomo. So, I didn’t say anything, and basically, randomly, was like “OMIGOD CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH”. But in my dream, he couldn’t give it to me, because he was all, secret mission-ish. So, I never got it. And when he was boarding at my house, I wouldn’t look at him, and I hated him, and he was all “double oh seven” with mysteriousness.

    I haven’t been able to look at the downstairs apartment the same again XD.

  2. Heather R. Avatar
    Heather R.

    I once had a dream where I woke up (in my dream) to find that Jason of MoM had fallen through my ceiling while dueling with pool cues with Matt from the Whomping Willows. I invited them to breakfast so we went down stairs and discovered Mark from MoM surrounded by presents because it was his birthday. I made a chocolate cake and put yellow mustard on it and we had an awesome party. Kristina from the Parselmouths stopped by and ate with us. Then half an hour later we were sitting in my living room when she remembered she was allergic to mustard. We ran down the street to the hospital but they refused to heal “them crazy magic folks”. So we flew in Jason’s car to St. Mungo’s and Kristina’s face stopped swelling.

    After that I decided to not eat Bertie Bott’s before I go to bed! 🙂

  3. IFTBA Avatar

    I dreamt I was with the Parselmouths in the supermarket. Oops, sore subject now I guess.

  4. Julia Avatar

    I once had a dream where Justin, Matt and Alex were playing a show in my front yard…at 2:00 am! The show was awesome, but I spent a great deal of time shushing everyone b/c I didn’t want to wake my neighbors.

    Also, the new layout’s great!

  5. Patrick Avatar

    At Wrockstock I dreamt that Justin was hitting me with a boat oar, and yelling at me to wake up so we could go hunt for jello shots. I actually woke up, and was very confused when it was only myself and Zabet in our room.

  6. elizawriter Avatar

    I had a dream where I forked out a gazillion pounds to go to America for Terminus and halfway through the show, the Weasel King told me to get on stage and sing… and I just absolutely froze. It was too weird.

  7. HermioneAriel Avatar

    oh the irony! I had a dream about wizard rockers just last night!

    in it I was going to this wrock concert, going on in my friend rose’s basement but I couldn’t find her house. so finally I found it and then I couldn’t get down to her basement, but if I didn’t get down to the basement I would die. and then I woke up.

  8. Caity Avatar

    haha… actually, Freya.. Yes I have had some strange ones. I had one a few weeks ago where Matt announced on his facebook or something that his ‘own little tree interpreter’, I Speak Tree, would be opening for him at Wrockstock. And Tianna hadn’t been informed yet… And you were ecstatic, Freya, and basically advertised like crazy on here…. lol

    I have strange strange dreams…

  9. Vanishing Jenn Avatar

    I had a wrock-related dream a few nights before heading off to the wrockstock last year. I dreamt that I was at wrockstock and we were all wrocking out during The Remus Lupins set. Then all of a sudden there was a full moon and Alex sort of went POOF into a werewolf and was all “Oh Hai! By the way guys…” It was a rather amusing dream! lol

  10. Paperclipz Avatar

    I had this really cool dream one time when JK Rowling just randomly showed up at my house. So we sat around listening to wizard rock together. I remember thinking how cool it was that I didn’t have to explain to her what each song was about, like I have to do with some of my friends.

  11. Whompy Avatar

    Wow. Apparently people dream about me fairly often. CREEPY.

    Hahaha. I wish Tianna was playing at Wrockstock!

  12. Laura Avatar

    I have wrock dreams a lot. Mostly it’s just attending shows in the dream. There was one dream I had during the first Wrockstock that I remember.

    In the dream I went to guitar lessons but my teacher was sick. I walk in and Matt is there. He tells me he’s the substitute and that for our lesson we’re going to a Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin show. We go to the show and it’s in the k-mart parking lot. There using a truck bed for a stage and everyone is sitting at picnic tables. During the show I ask Matt what the House of Awesome colors are. He tells me that they are red and white. I said that that’s to bad because my niece made a scarf that’s red and black. He responds “That’s ok, the House of Awesome colors are whatever awesome colors you want them to be”.

    I thought that was a pretty deep statement for a dream :). My niece had, in fact, made a red and black scarf in the craft room the day before.

  13. Molly Wazlib Avatar

    I once had a dream that I was in a huge line for a Harry and the Potters show and witnessed Paul and Joe viciously beating a small child. He was on the ground and they were kicking him. It was really scary. I don’t know what it meant. But it was really freaking scary.

  14. Cassia Lenoir Avatar

    OK lots of weird dreams going on!
    Mine began with John Green doing a lecture at my university and we were suddently on a plane and he was sitting next to me.
    He introduced himself (in the dream I had no idea who he was) and his wrock friends (I think most of the Wrockers were on that same plane…)(Yeah Matt you were there too, but you really were a Tree, not human like :p)

    It(the dream), of course, had to end with a Death Glider attacking us and Teal’c and Major Samantha Carter saving us, *cough*

    And this is why I should stop watching Stargate at night and listening to Wrock to lull me into sleep…
    It was only a couple of night ago too… Haha!

  15. Freya Avatar

    Wow, some of these are hilarious! I need to stop worrying about the Wizrocklopedia before I go to bed, obviously.
    @Matt: It would be awesome if she played WS.
    @Russ: ‘Paul Revere’ is the best rap-battle song EVER.

  16. Steph Avatar

    I had a dream that Alex Carpenter had dinner with Phyllis Diller.

    Oh wait, that actually happened.

  17. Alex Avatar

    and the consulate general from New Zealand.

    I like that people dream about Matt so much. (ready for it?) its cos he is so DREAMY.


  18. Maggie Avatar

    I am a bit envious of these dreams. I’ve never had any wrock related dreams. It could be (as my roommate says) that I’m so boring that even my dreams are boring. Haha.

    And nice one there Alex.

  19. Maddie Avatar

    haha yes!
    well, kind of.
    we were doing pantomimes randomly in preforming arts class. and this one kid logan (who i totally hate) his song was Looking for Trouble by The Remus Lupins. I was all shocked and then this girl Alex who I know said something
    Really? The Remus Lupins? I love them!

  20. Justin Avatar

    @cassia… A Stargate/wrock dream… I’d make fun, but that would just be hypocritical. =)

  21. laramendonca Avatar

    I never had one, but now I want to! :}

  22. Heather R. Avatar
    Heather R.

    @laramendonca; Try listening to Wrock while you go to sleep. That’s how I had another one where Alex made me apple pie while wearing one of Aunt Petunia’s aprons. 😀

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