A Meta-Question Tuesday?

Question Tuesday today is a bit different. This week, you’re going to be the ones asking the questions.

At LeakyCon, I will be hosting a panel called The Wizard Rock Community, where I’ll be asking questions of some of your favorite wrockers and a certain ‘pedia editor. It will be split into four sections:

“Dumbledore, we’ll fight for you tonight” – the influence wizard rock has on the Muggle community through the HPA and other charities

“I found love in wizard rock” – how wizard rock has created a community of acceptance and inclusion

“Now we’ve got a job to do” – balancing full-time work, parenting, and school with wizard rock

“Make your voice heard, get on your feet” – Q&A from the crowd

I know that our entire readership can’t be there, but I wanted everyone to have a chance to participate in the panel. Let me know what questions you want to hear the answers to! If your question is picked, I’ll make sure to give you credit during the panel.
Dinah and I have some ideas about recording or streaming it, so hopefully everyone will get to see it as well.

5 responses to “A Meta-Question Tuesday?”

  1. Jayen Avatar

    I’ve thought a lot about this, and decided that what I would like to ask any musician is “What got you interested in making music?”, “How did you go about learning your instrument?” (or getting your voice to sound like you wanted it to) “What sparked off the interest or desire to perform for others?” Finally: “What advice do you have for anyone (but mostly young people) who would love to Wrock, don’t play and instrument but would like to learn.”

  2. Jayen Avatar

    PS I really hope you can record this and make it available for the “I’d love to be there but it’s not going to happen” people.

  3. Dinahsaur Avatar

    Jayen, we have every intention of recording and making it available! Additionally, as Freya said above, we might even manage to stream it live on blogtv or ustream! Excitment!!

  4. Dinahsaur Avatar

    A question I think might be interesting to consider would be: “How much are non-Wizard Rockers (namely the non-musicians) a part of the Wrock community? What kind of activity on their part brings them most into the whole?”


  5. Muggles_Wear_Them Avatar

    My question doesn’t really fit into any of the panel sections, just the general Q&A one, hope that is ok:

    A lot of the success of the bigger name bands can be attributed to the fan community that already existed before wizard wrock started. Not to say that these bands dont have their own merits, or that they didnt earn their keep themselves, but just that the fact that the enthusiastic fanbase was almost built-in when these bands were getting their start. To wit, the success of the artists happened quicker than if they were muggle bands with no built in fan community.

    Following this, based on their own experiences, what do the panelists think their experience would have been like of the if the enthusiastic fan community didn’t exist when they started publishing music and touring? If the fan community as it existed wasn/t there (less prolific or less enthusiastic) would any of you still gotten into Wizard Wrock? Do the members of the panel think they would have started muggle bands instead? Wizard Wrock can claim to be, by no hyperbole, the most prolific fan or community based music genre/scene, though maybe Twirock is now vying for that (another debate in itself), do you think this is due to the fan community, the talent of the musicians involved, just a happy coincidence, or a little bit of all three? Certainly Star Trek, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings have and have had just as enthusiastic and prolific (in terms of fan works) communities, but none ever sprouted the music scene that Harry Potter has. Is it just a strange correlation that there is a higher percentage of musicians or musically inclined people within the HP fandom? Also, how much do you think yourselves or other acts were bolstered by the success of other wizard wrock bands? How often did you or do you look at other wrockers and think, look how great they’re doing, I can do that too, whereas a muggle band doesn’t necessarily have that kind of built in artist support?

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