Question Tuesday

Not every wizard rock band tours across every part of the world, so sometimes it can be hard to get to a show.

What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled solely to go to a wrock show (one that wasn’t a con or Wrockstock)?

I’m lucky that bands tend to stop in or near my city, so the farthest I’ve ever gone is 194 miles, according to GoogleMaps. I have seen shows farther away, but those were combined with another reason for the trip.

29 responses to “Question Tuesday”

  1. Laura! Avatar

    I was lucky enough to live in a well-visited area, too (a town just south of Houston, TX), and I saw Harry and the Potters twice in the span of one year, the 2nd time with Draco and the Malfoys. The farthest I’ve traveled was about 35 miles, to the northern-most side of Houston. Now that I live in Las Vegas (even though no one comes here!!), I’ve only been to one show, at our main library, about 15 miles from my apartment.

    I did travel about 1500 miles to go to Terminus and Wrock Chicago, though. 🙂

  2. Stine Avatar

    I live in Norway, so I’ve sadly never been to a wizard rock show… If I lived in the US, though, I’d be willing to travel quite a long distance for one!

    And I know you said shows that weren’t cons or Wrockstock, but I can mention that if I go to Wrockstock in November, the straight line distance between my city and Saint Louis is approximately 4125 miles…

  3. Julia Avatar

    I live in Connecticut, which doesn’t have much WRock here, but thank G-d it’s easy to get to Boston, Providence and New York, all of which have lots of WRock. In fact, I once went to three shows in three days in the above listed places.

    But to answer the question, the farthest I’ve ever been for a WRock show is (according to Google maps) 1,414 miles. I went to Manhattan Kansas for the Hallows and Horcruxes ball last year, and will be repeating the trip in a few weeks!

  4. Kjetil Avatar

    The farthest I have gone currently is 139 mi to Bloomington IN, Ohio gets a lot of traffic.
    In a few weeks I will also attend the Hallows and Horcruxes Ball, hopefully and that will take over for longest trip.

  5. Kjetil Avatar

    Oh, shit! Double post.
    Longest is actually 164 mi to the Ohio Crystal Ball.

  6. Freya Avatar

    @Stine: Well, I think you have to come to Wrockstock now, just so you can say that you traveled that far for a wrock show. =D

  7. Grace Avatar

    The farthest I’ve ever driven for a show that I’ve played is around 450 miles, or so says mapquest. And like 250 miles to just watch and hang out at a show.

    …I have put way too many miles on my car for wizard rock, ha.

  8. ACFG Avatar

    I traveled about 700 miles to go to Wrock Chicago but it sucked that I couldn’t stay for the actual conference. I stayed for the one day, which was absolutely amazing, but that’s all I could afford.

  9. Molly Avatar

    The farthest I’ve gone is 129 miles for the NYC Wizard Rock Festival. Twas awesome and I am totally willing to go much farther for a show (once I get a car of my own).

  10. Laura Avatar

    About 305 miles to a Whomp the House show. Almost all the shows I go to are four hours away. HatP played my city once but that’s it as far as I know.

  11. Jonathon Rosenthal Avatar

    Not sure of the distance. But I am pretty sure the longest distance I traveled (not counting Terminus) was The Crystal Ball in Ohio followed by the CBGB show that followed it the next day.

  12. Tonks Avatar

    I live in Boston, MA and i traveled to Texas for a Whomp the House party in Sequin, Texas.. SO worth it!

    Have no idea how many miles that is though haha

  13. Paperclipz Avatar

    I’ve driven to Seattle (from Portland) to see a wizard rock show. Two different times. That’s 185 miles according to Google Maps. (And I didn’t even do the driving, because I don’t have my license yet. My mom drove us there. Isn’t she great for driving me out to random wrock shows all the time?)

  14. Camie Avatar

    Okay lets take a look

    Vienna Virginia – 161 Miles
    Providence Rhode Island- 266 Miles
    Woonsocket Rhode Island – 279 Miles
    Boston Massachusetts – 301 Miles
    Akron Ohio- 416 miles
    Cleveland Ohio – 440 Miles
    Columbus Ohio- 478 miles
    Toronto Ontario Canada – 507 miles (con- Prophecy)
    St. Louis Missouri – 895 miles (on way to wrockstock but separate show.. so I believe it counts)

    yeah.. I should not travel so far for Wizard Rock….

  15. Vanishing Jenn Avatar

    Farthest for me would be the OKC Yule Ball, which from Toronto is approximately 1287 miles (according to google :P).

  16. Kathleen Avatar

    Well, the closest wrock shows that ever happen to me are probably in Philadelphia, but since my Philly friends aren’t wrock fans I travel the about 185 miles to Pittsburgh to see my shows. Which have been awesome. There is also a great hostess there 🙂

  17. Steph Avatar

    I went to Spokane, WA for the Wizard Rockumentary premiere. That’s 2,024 mi. That was an incredible weekend.

  18. obockstal Avatar

    Well the only Wrock show I went was the UK Yule Ball in London and for that I travelled 219 miles from my little Belgian town.

    When going to LeakyCon, I’ll travel 3465 miles.

  19. Sam Avatar

    Um I have only been to two wizard rock shows (I know I really need to get to more, and I am so mad that I missed a lot of the ones that I have missed) so my record is…25 miles lol

  20. Taylor Avatar

    My friend Sarah and I drove the 920 miles from Charleston, SC to Potosi, MO in one shot for the first Wrockstock. I will always go back to Wrockstock but I will never drive 15 straight hours in one go again. It’s all planes from here on out.

  21. Georgia Riddle Avatar

    Apart from Terminus, the furthest we’ve travelled is to London, I think, which is about an hour and a half away, or 81 miles according to Google Maps. @_@

  22. Trudy Avatar

    There are never any wizard rock shows where I live, but once I was in Providence and drove to Boston. That was about an hour.

  23. batbogeyhexer Avatar

    I’ve flown to:
    New York City, NY – 707 miles
    Oklahoma City, OK – 1397 miles

    I’ve driven to:
    Weston, FL – 718 miles
    Athens, GA – 107 miles
    Apex, NC – 257 miles
    Decatur, GA – 148 miles
    Birmingham, AL – 306 miles
    Cary, NC – 255 miles
    Bryn Mawr, PA – 727 miles

    And in a few weeks, I’ll be driving to the H&H Ball:
    Manhattan, KS – 1027 miles

    I’ve never travelled so much in my life… but it’s always worth it 🙂

  24. Clara Avatar

    I’ve never been to a show, ’cause I live in Switzerland. Going to a wrock show would be one of the most awesome things in my life, but sadly it’s not really possible, since I would have to go to the UK or take the plane to the US…

  25. Stine Avatar

    @Freya: Yeah, I suppose I just have to do that now! 😛

    (But seriously, I’d love to go, and I’m trying my best to get there. Fingers crossed!)

  26. Dreaner Avatar

    The farthest is maybe two hours. There’s not so much wrock-activity in Sweden where I live.
    But when there is it’s usually around Stockholm. And since I live there it’s kind of easy for me. .D

  27. Christie Avatar

    One time Maria and I drove from San Francisco to Chico for a show, then back down to Livermore and back up past Chico to Portland. That was one heck of a night driving.

    Other than that, the Bay Area to LA or Edinburgh to London, about the same distance I think…?

  28. Julia Avatar

    About 315 miles to Charleston, WVA by car.

  29. LiveLaughLovePotter Avatar

    *sigh* Like Julia, I live in CT. I’ve never heard of a wrock show coming to our state. I can’t visit any other place because my family is Anti-Potter and will NOT take me to Boston, NY, or any other place. I AM BEGGING (literally!) THAT ANY WROCK BAND COME TO CT! I love literally every single wrock band and I think I am on the verge of going insane!

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