Let’s Get Political

The 2008 United States Presidential Elections are without a doubt history in the making. For the first time in US history, the nation is voting on viable White House hopefuls that includes an African-American and woman. This election comes in a time of war and a massive financial crisis teetering on the brink of an economic depression.

I recently spoke with six American wizard rockers about their thoughts and feelings regarding the upcoming November 4th election. Paul DeGeorge, Harry Year 7 of Harry and the Potters said, “Personally, I think the Bush presidency has been toxic, not just to America, but to the world. Now is a chance to redeem ourselves… it’s our privilege to elect our leaders. And when those leaders fail us, it’s our duty to elect new ones that will hopefully do a better job.”

It’s no secret that the many wizard rock community members are young, college age adults. Having grown up with Harry Potter, for many Wizard Rock fans, this will be their first chance to vote. “I think a lot of wizard rockers and wizard rock fans are at the age where this is the first election [in which] they are able to vote,” said Kristina Horner of The Parselmouths, continuing, “I think having that basic right as an American citizen is something very important for us to exercise. Lots of people fought for all of us to have the right to vote, and to not get involved and care about making ours count would just be silly.”

According to the Rock the Vote website, a program that uses the influence of popular musicians to encourage young people to vote, 20.1 million 18-19 year olds voted in the 2004 election, a 4.3 million voter increase from the 2000 election. However, a March 2006 report from the US Census Bureau states, “The voting rate was higher among the older citizen population than the younger citizen population. The rate for citizens 55 and older was 72 percent in the 2004 presidential election, compared with 47 percent among 18- to 24-year old citizens.”

The Rock the Vote website also states that in the upcoming 2008 election, the number of young people eligible to vote is now 44 million. Says the site, “Forty-four million strong, we are the largest generation in history and represent more than one-fifth of the electorate.” Molly Newman, known to wizard rock fans as Roonil Wazlib, states “…people my age who have grown up in the Bush administration can vote now, and we have the experience of the effects of things like No Child Left Behind and the Iraq war.”

Voting, however, is important for everyone. Erin Pyne of The House of Black says, “You matter. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You, your opinions, your voice matter. You live in a country where you can vote. Women, minorities, you must realize how rare it is to have rights in this world and you need to exercise [those] rights.”

Of the six wrockers I spoke to all were unsurprisingly Obama supporters, though each for their own reasons. “Obama is a candidate that has inspired me,” said Paul DeGeorge. “In a time when it’s really easy for people to feel down on America, he represents hope and optimism and I think he truly recognizes the potential greatness about our country.” Kristina Horner supports Obama “…because I really like his concern and aims toward the younger generation of voters. This is the first time a candidate has really taken into account that we’re the future leaders of America, and I really like that about him.”

“I agree with nearly all of his policies and I expect that I’d be very happy with any Supreme Court appointments he’d make,” said Matt Maggiacomo, who is The Whomping Willows, who also said of the Supreme Court, “There might be as many as three replacements in the next four to eight years, and John McCain has been vocal about his intention to replace retirees with staunchy conservative judges who would likely overturn Roe v. Wade.”

Matt also mentioned gay marriage as an important issue this election. “Despite the fact that I’m straight, I am extremely passionate in my support for equal marriage,” affirmed the author of the popular pro-gay wrock song “Draco and Harry”. “Like any civil rights issue, often it’s just a matter of transferring power from old politicians to new ones. I feel confident that my generation and younger generations will legalize gay marriage across the board as soon as we have the opportunity.”

Molly, on the other hand, cites education as her priority when making her decision. “More effort needs to be put into giving every child an equal opportunity for success. The Iraq war has taken $3 trillion (in loans from China) to conduct, and it’s still going; making education better in our country would cost far less and no one would die.”

Erin Pyne says of McCain, “If McCain dies (he is in his 70’s) Palin will be the President of the United States; a vote for McCain is a vote for Palin.” She also stated that the economy was her deciding point this election. “We are a country running on credit. If that credit disappears, if the money in the banks disappears, we will have another depression and no one will care about gay rights or saving the caribou; we will be concentrating on getting food, jobs, and medicine. A crash will take America back a century. We need to fix this now.”

Jarrod Perkins, of Gred and Forge, recently published a pro-Obama blog post on his band’s MySpace page. When asked why he felt the urge to do so he said, “The ability to choose our leaders is not something granted to all people of the world… we should take full advantage of it… I’m not trying to tell people exactly what to do, just to educate themselves and DO SOMETHING.”

When asked about using their wizard rocker status to possibly influence the voting of others, Paul DeGeorge said, ” I think of it as my own way of campaigning for my candidate. And if anyone has trouble hearing politics in our music, then they’re not paying close enough attention.” Matt said, “It’s a little tricky because I know there’s a significant portion of my fans who are conservative, and they are just as justified in their views as I am in mine. But that’s the beauty of humanity; we’ve all got our own thoughts and opinions and we’re all entitled to them.”

Most, however, don’t want to ask fans to vote a certain way, they just want them to vote. Kristina said, “…regarding politics and the election, people need to formulate their own ideas and opinions. Unless it’s about registering to vote. Then I say ‘Yes, do it!’”

“Influence is not the word I’d use,” said Molly Newman. “I’d say inform. And I’m fine with that.”

“Getting involved and being knowledgeable are the most important steps before casting your vote,” stated Erin Pyne. “Don’t vote over something stupid like, ‘Obama didn’t wear an American Flag pin’, or ‘McCain sticks out his tongue too much when he talks.’ Vote on real issues that truly affect you. Now more than ever, you need to vote!”

“Be an active citizen in your community,” Molly encouraged as well. “Even if all it means is showing up at the polls, that’s a lot already.”

Regardless of what happens, this November will be an election to remember. Said Matt Maggiacomo, “I personally feel that this is the most important election I’ve been eligible to vote in.”

Note that in many states the deadline to register to vote in the November General Election has passed. However, in many it has not. If you are not yet registered to vote, please call your local County Clerk’s Office to find out when the deadline to register is. Even if you’re too late for this election, its never a bad time to register to vote.

The author contacted 14 wizard rockers. Responses were used from the six who replied. If you are in a wizard rock band and would like to have your voice potentially heard in a follow up article, email chris at alleycast dot com.

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31 responses to “Let’s Get Political”

  1. Whompy Avatar

    Awesome article, Chris! I’m proud of all my fellow wizard rockers for being so in tune with what’s happening in the world around them.

  2. Roonil Wazlib Avatar

    Great article, Chris.

    I wanted to apologize–my numbers are vastly incorrect. I don’t know what I was thinking. I did not mean to misconstrue my point. All I meant to say was that a LOT of money was being spent in Iraq. My figure is wrong and I apologize!

  3. Heather Avatar

    Great article! Thanks Chris! 🙂

    Whoo hoo Obama!

  4. Jennofwashington Avatar

    Wonderful article.

    I think it’s the social activism bent of the wrock community that influences the majority of our little group leaning towards Obama–the man is strong on social justice policy!

    regardless of opinion though, GET OUT AND VOTE!

  5. Marauder Avatar

    While I appreciate the fact that the wrockers you talked to want people to be active in the voting process more than anything else, the thought of wizard rock getting this political makes me sad, and makes me wonder if pretty soon it’s going to be a “liberal thing” – and this is coming from someone who’s been called a liberal by conservatives and a conservative by liberals. Wizard rock has been able to do great stuff with raising money for causes that people can all agree on – breast cancer research, anti-bullying, et cetera. I hate the thought that something that’s brought me so much fun and happiness could turn into something divisive. It also makes me a little sad that you refer to the people you talked to as “unsurprisingly” being Obama supporters, as though the fact that wrockers would support Obama is an obvious conclusion. I hope the wrock community continues to be a place where people are united by their love for Harry Potter and music, regardless of their differences.

  6. Nimbus-X Avatar

    Go Obama!

  7. Lana Alethea Avatar
    Lana Alethea

    I always love to see Wrockers supporting excellent causes. Great article!

  8. lizz Avatar


    I do agree with Paul in that the music of Harry and the Potters as well as many other wrockers is heavily political in nature. It has been for years. Furthermore, every person talked to in the making of this article doesn’t want divisiveness in the community, they’re even quoted as saying so. And to defend Chris on her use of the word “unsurprisingly” I’ve witnessed firsthand at Wrockstock these wrockers talking to her about Obama. She knew ahead of time that they were on his camp. If it sounds like she implies that wrockers are all pro-Obama, that was not her intention.

    I come from a highly political family (I grew up in New Hampshire). Thanksgivings and Christmases the year before an election are riddled with discussions about the pros and cons of whoever is running. Because we research candidates and stay up on current issues, we can have wonderful and impassioned discussions without arguing with each other. I feel that that’s the case with the wizard rock community, especially with the individuals quoted in this article.

    Furthermore, responses can be directed to chris at alleycast dot com for a potential follow up.

  9. Marauder Avatar

    “I do agree with Paul in that the music of Harry and the Potters as well as many other wrockers is heavily political in nature. It has been for years.”

    Yes, but political within the context of Harry Potter is one thing and political in a real-life context is another. I appreciate the fact that none of the people interviewed want divisiveness, but I don’t like the idea of wizard rock being used to endorse political candidates. People can do it if they want – it’s not like I can stop them – but I personally wish they wouldn’t.

  10. Russ Avatar

    I don’t really see it as people using “wizard rock” to endorse specific candidates; I see it as people who are within wizard rock being asked about political issues. A lot of the people quoted in this article (awesome article BTW) are perhaps simply discussing their preferred candidate because they were asked, not because they were stumping for their choice.

    A few of the people quoted here (Paul and Matt) have been very vocal about social causes, and the upcoming election I think fits into that category. If they are talking about who’s platform they support in order to raise awareness for voting, voter registration, then like Molly says they’re informing rather than influencing, and I believe them on that point.

    I know that when I was 18, I didn’t care about voting or politics one bit; if I was part of a community back then like wizrock I can almost guarantee the enthusiasm shown by some of the wrockers for using your voice would have definitely rubbed off on me.

  11. Whompy Avatar


    I think Lizz makes the key point here: the music of Harry and the Potters is inherently political, and has been for ages, and it doesn’t take a huge leap to come to the conclusion that they’ve made deliberate connections between the Potter narrative and real-life issues. The same can be said of my last two albums, both of which made deliberate political and social statements under a thin veil of Potterness. In other words, both the Potters and I are unapologetically political, and we don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s not that wizard rock is in danger of “getting political.” It’s always been political, at least in the case of these two bands.

    At the same time, we know when it’s appropriate to be completely forthright with our views and when we should just chill out and leave our views at the door. We were both very active in the Wizard Rock the Vote campaign this summer — personally, I kept my support for Obama very quiet while encouraging wizard rock fans to register to vote. Even if those people end up voting for McCain, I’m happy that they’ve exercised their right to vote and I’m happy that I’ve encouraged them to do so.


  12. Marauder Avatar

    “Even if those people end up voting for McCain, I’m happy that they’ve exercised their right to vote and I’m happy that I’ve encouraged them to do so.”

    Thanks, Matt. It’s nice to see someone who endorses people’s right to their opinions even if you don’t agree with those opinions. 🙂

    I’m not under a rock, guys. I have 1,295 wrock songs stored on my computer, although I admit I don’t often listen to the Harry and the Potters ones. (No offense to them, just got distracted by other things.) I smile every time I get to the line in “Draco and Harry” with “You can move to Massachusetts…” I guess I’m just feeling a little on edge because this election is so tense overall and stuff about it is everywhere all the time and I was just like, “Oh man, Wizrocklopedia too?!” It’s cool that so many people took the time to address the importance of people voting.

    I’m low on sleep, I’m not mad at anybody, and I’ve enjoyed the music of all the bands mentioned here. Friends and no hard feelings? 🙂

  13. Gred and Forge Avatar
    Gred and Forge

    Do you think if Fred & George Weasley had a band that there is any way they wouldn’t NOT put their opinion out there? 🙂

    So I can share MY views and MY preference of candidate without feeling a bit bad about it. Just because I’m somewhat in the Wizard Rock public eye doesn’t mean I have to stay neutral on things.

    And I love all of this discussion. People are intelligently expressing their points and I think it’s great. We don’t all have to agree, but it’s nice when we all get along. 🙂

  14. Whompy Avatar

    Shut up, Jarrod! GOD I am so SICK of YOU.

    PS I love you

  15. My Name is Alex Avatar
  16. Freya Avatar

    I have to say that I have been very impressed by the HP Alliance’s lack of endorsement of a particular candidate. I happen to be an Obama supporter, but that doesn’t mean I think everyone has to agree with me! I would much rather someone vote because they were encouraged to be informed rather than because their favorite band likes a politician. Wizard rock the vote did a great job with that.

  17. tina. Avatar

    yes freya(love your name BTW) the important thing is that everyone feels they have power. one man one vote. i met a kid the other day who just turned 18 a few weeks ago. i had to ask if he registered. of course he said! i asked him who was leaning towards and he said, “well i think it’s important to let people know that there are other parties aside from democrats and republicans. i know it won’t mean much but i am protesting the two party system and voting independent.”
    yeah. i did that. i voted nader once. but i now i just feel that we need a change of figureheads and am choosing obama. not only that, sara palin disturbs me to no end as a female. welcome to bizzaro feminism…ya know.

  18. Don Avatar

    Such a shame that something anyone could enjoy should now “get political” like the Dixie Chicks, Madonna, etal (Not to say the economy doesn’t need help, but I don’t think either party can fix this problem unless they find a way to work together). It’s one thing to encourage participation in the election of new leaders , quite another to post pro-Obama blogs on one’s myspace page and then claim they keep their support quiet (classic doublespeak, my friends, ha!) Frankly, there is nothing that turns me off more than when entertainers use the media that got them there to play politics as opposed to doing something positive that benefits all (much like the charity work the late, great Paul Newman accomplished). You loose half your audience when you play these games, and I really wish you wouldn’t (Hate to say, but I had already scrubbed Whomping Willows from my listen earlier for this very reason). Good luck to you if you continue down this path!

  19. Freya Avatar

    “as opposed to doing something positive that benefits all”

    Politics aside, please remember that most wrockers do a lot of work for and support the Harry Potter Alliance, certainly something positive that benefits various causes. In particular, The Whomping Willows and Justin Finch Fletchley and the Sugar Quill’s tour this fall is raising money for disaster relief in Haiti.

  20. tina. Avatar

    or harry belafonte. Paul DeGeorge was quite plain in this that you must listen a little closer…not just HatPs but in Whompy’s music there are obvious clues to tell you how they politically fall. It’s impressive that Wizard Rock the Vote assisted in registering 200 voters. think about it. or don’t. it’s the line that in essence ‘punk rock’ or DIY has always run the risk of. Some people are simply are turned off by politics, but i was once told that it was artists who built the constitution and by every right it is artists who should maintain it and act out if need be…

  21. Whompy Avatar

    That’s cool, Don. Like when I posted my blogs about Dumbledore’s coming out, I’m totally fine with risking a dip in record sales to speak my mind about things I find important. And while I admit that I can be an arrogant, sanctimonious, stubborn son of a bee at times, I’ve also raised about $4,000 for charity over the past two years. So essentially, I put my money where my mouth is.

    Also, I think you’re in a small minority of people who actually get worked up over this stuff. For every person who complains that wizard rock shouldn’t be political, there are like 50 newly registered wizardly voters. ; )

  22. Payton Avatar

    I loved reading this article, even though I can’t vote yet(I’m only 12). Just to hear all the different veiws on the election, and all the different reasons for it, it just makes me wish I could vote.

    I was suprised that nobody mentioned mugglenet’s upcoming elections for minister of magic.

  23. Russ Avatar

    Man, if I stopped listening to artists who said/did something I disagreed with, I’d essentially be listening to an infinite loop of “4’33″”

  24. Paul Avatar

    Russ, that is the freakin’ funniest comment I’ve ever read on a message board. Mad props.

  25. lizz Avatar

    I love MuggleNet people, but seriously, I don’t check up on HP stuff much anymore. I had no idea it was even happening until I got an email about Ludo Bagman and muggle quidditch.

  26. Zivlok Avatar

    Finally getting around to dribbling out my thoughts on this.

    Firstly, great article, Chris! Thanks for putting in information about how and when to register and such as well as all the wrocker interview goodness.

    Firstly, because I am a seasoned Speech and Debater, I feel the need to point out contradictions and flaws in someone’s argument so Don, about the whole posting a Obama blog and then claiming quiet support thing: one band, called Gred and Forge, posted a blog supporting Obama. It was other people that said that they try to keep their views quiet.

    Anywho, as already stated, Harry Potter and politics are inexorably linked. The fifth book sort of cemented that. Along with being the emo book and the CAPS LOCK HARRY BOOK, it was also the political intrigue book. It is very easy to draw comparisons. And since wizard rockers tend to sing about, I don’t know, the Harry Potter books, it’ll still be just as easy to draw parallels.

    And anyway, many of the more political bands have always been political, so it’s not really like this article has changed anything.

    Something I find interesting is that I haven’t seen a big outcry when bands make songs like “Raising McCain” and “Drill Baby Drill”.

    Maybe that’s because nobody listened to those bands anyway…


    Well, I guess I’ll conclude with a little story. The first wizard rock show I went to was back in July of ’07, when Harry and the Potters played a show in conjunction with the midnight release of the OotP movie. And something that was said that night stuck in my mind. Well, there were a lot of things, most of them unrelated. But the related one was when, probably in the middle of a song (HatP tend to ramble a bit when live – it’s hilariously awesome), they started talking about how great America was, and while it might not be run by the best people right now, it’s still a great country. That was the first and so far only time in my life that I chanted “USA!” non-ironically.

    And I have no idea where I was going with that really. Well, as a truly last thing, I’ll just say that the HPA is awesome because of how non-partisan they have been. Also, wizard rockers have raised tons of money for all sorts of charities. And it’s late and I’m not being particularly coherent. Forgive my blathering!

  27. Chris Avatar

    Well i doubt people are still reading the comments on this, but first, thank you to everyone who said they liked the article. 🙂

    There was a time in America before the 20th centrury that politics was THE THING to talk about. Families sat around after dinner and talked about politics…. most likely because there was nothing else to do, lol.

    But it seems like today politics is a taboo subject, and to me that’s not cool. Politics should be pondered and discussed more than any subject because it can shape our world and to me there’s nothing worse than an uninformed voter.

    Personally i think the excitement and historical significance would be a great vehicle for asking people to change that attitude of taboo about discussing politics.

    Also something I’d like to point out that whether you think about it this way or not, wizard rock is a form of punk rock. Not punk rock like that stuff that’s on the radio, but the Sex Pistols and the Clash and hundreds of other bands. Punk was ALL ABOUT social (aka political) beliefs like anarchism and socialism. (Not to mention the other trends like DIY)

    While wizard rock isn’t so obvious and outspoken about it, (and i know that not all bands feel that way) the bands that are paying close attention to their messages, like the self-confessed HatP and Willows, are without a doubt the ancestors of punk rock.

    And THEREFORE i expect them to be political. 😀

  28. The Disorder of the Phoenix Avatar
    The Disorder of the Phoenix

    I find it amzing how Harry Potter fans of all backgrounds can come together for a cause that could change the world. Don’t take your right to vote for granted. No matter who you support you should still go out and make sure your voice is heard and say “Hey. I matter.” And I hope that someday everyone will be able to do this.

  29. Ima Swingin Staircase Sis Avatar

    I am personaly for McCain… thats all! 🙂 I love all of the comments!

  30. Jace Avatar

    this comment thread makes me very happy.

  31. Coco Avatar

    matt i will never buy another album of yours again because you spoke you mind about something you care about!
    Come on people…i love wizard rock..and am sick of the elections at the moment(mostly because i look at a poster saying wrock the vote even tho i am too young) but i still found this artical intresting. Politics are very apperint in wizard rock and if you dont like it, then dont pay attention to it. Every wrocker cares about something and writed about it! thats wizard rock…thats why so many of us love it…its people singing about things they care about!The wizardrock comunity as a whole is sending out the message of “GO VOTE!” not “GO VOTE FOR OBAMA!” but individuals can think what ever they want and are mre than entitled to speak their minds!
    I am personaly a more concervitive, with a liberal streak and i have no problem saying that i agree with McCain! i hope that every one in this community can be nodiscriminat and love our wrockers regardless of some political stances!
    sorry for the vent, truly enjoyed reading the comments(kind of)..and fyi matt i love you and hope you come to vegas again…soon

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