2008’s Most Epic Wrock Accomplishment

While 2007 was the biggest year for wizard rock so far, 2008 is already full of amazing.

In a blog post written yesterday, Harry and the Potters passed along some really cool info. A fan from Sweden, home of such bands as The Halfblood Princess and Johnny B. Lovegood, informed the band that they have been immortalized in a game of Trivial Pursuit!

The Potters write, “If it’s at all possible that our band has the distinction of being considered trivial knowledge in Sweden, then it’s probably high time we booked a tour there.”

A picture of the question and answer card can be found in their most recent blog here.

  1. Debora Avatar


  2. Camie Avatar

    that blog was full of win..

    i read it to my dad and he was like..
    1. no way
    2. i didnt know ‘your’ music was that big
    3. who the heck would know the answer to that

    where i responded with


    so much goodness

  3. Maggie Avatar





  4. Alatarielle Avatar

    haha, that is SO awesome!!

    omg…that is freaking awesome. I didnt know wrock is so big in Sweden 😀

  5. ChurchHatesTucker Avatar

    Wow. 0_o

    Serious congrats to HatP.

  6. Lindy Avatar

    omgomgomg you guys rule! congrats that is like, the coolest thing ever!!

  7. Michelle Avatar

    Haha, Camie, that’s EXACTLY what my friends said when I told them! Amazing how people outside of the fandom/awesomeness of Wizard Rock think we’re so small!

  8. ctb Avatar

    So how can we get that game here? lol

  9. yes Avatar

    yay! i’m from sweden and me and my friends are doing a classproject about wizardrock, so soon even more poeple here will at least know what wrock is about 😛

  10. Lizz Avatar

    I want Swedish fans to let me know they exist. Also, they should tell me how big HP and wizard rock are in their country. I am supremely curious.

  11. Cal Avatar

    What about good old Germany? Not much going on here wrock-wise it seems… trying to find some cool people from around here (greater Berlin area). So if you are out there, let me know!!!! (mail to: AurorsOnTheEscapators@web.de)

  12. […] States was made aware of the Potter series’s popularity in Sweden when the Swedish version of Trivial Pursuit had a question about Harry and the […]

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