Bands Weigh In On Dumbledore’s Sexuality

With the recent announcement from JK Rowling that Albus Dumbledore is, in fact, gay, members of the fandom have been expressing their opinions on the subject through blogs and statements. Matt from The Whomping Willows wrote, “I think the bottom line is that Dumbledore’s sexuality is just a part of his personal being. It’s obviously significant in how he dealt with Grindelwald, but it doesn’t necessarily have any bearing in how he dealt with Harry, Snape, Remus, Draco, Hermione, Hagrid, or anyone else. If we want to spend time analyzing Rowling’s political and social intent — well, she’s confirmed that one of her goals with HP is to promote tolerance.” Read the rest here.

A few days later he followed up with another blog in response to fans being angered over this information. He says, “If you believe that Dumbledore’s being gay would lead him to think about/desire/pursue a sexual relationship with Harry during Harry’s years at Hogwarts, then I seriously don’t want you to support my band. I don’t want your money. I don’t want your myspace plays or page hits. I don’t want anything to do with you until you clean up your act.” More of the entry can be found here.

According to Creevey Crisis, “It’s a non-issue,” and Tina (of DJ Luna Lovegood) wrote in her blog, “i am 100 percent in believing that people should love whoever and however they want (as long as it’s consensual adults.)”

Meanwhile, Andrew Slack of the HP Alliance has written a number of blog entries as well as providing a bit of humor to the LA Times in their article “Seven clues that ‘Potter’s’ Dumbledore was gay.” He concluded one blog entry like this, “It’s almost hilarious to hear Bill O’Riley suggest that JK Rowling has an agenda where she is encouraging children to be homosexuals. JK Rowling, it seems to me has an objective…and it to encourage children, to encourage all of us, to be ourselves. Thank you Ms. Rowling. And thank you Albus Dumbledore.”

3 responses to “Bands Weigh In On Dumbledore’s Sexuality”

  1. C. Avatar

    I think it’s great that bands take a stance on this “debate”. The religious conservative backlash over this whole story has been completely ridiculous, and it’s time people got reminded of some truths.

    No homosexuality does not equal pedophilia, yes most pedophiles are married, no it doesn’t change Dumbledore’s personality, yes he always was like that in the mind of the author.

    AND no one forces the books down anyone’s throat, so if you don’t like it then just don’t read them and get the fuck away.

    Matt’s blog interventions are completely amazing, and I find it great that he would speak up. Him and all the others too (namely Andy from mugglnet who also wrote a tribune about it etc).

  2. Russ - Creevey Crisis Avatar

    I think it’s very important to be verbal about an issue like this, even if it was only to say it was a non-issue, which to me, it isn’t a big deal. Unfortunately, to a lot of others, it IS a big deal, and that’s what bothers me.

    In today’s day and age, to think that someone should be completely categorized by their sexuality (a sexuality that’s not ONCE mentioned in thousands of pages of writing) is appalling and, frankly, sad. Here we have a character who spends 7 books spreading the power of love, of friendship, of acceptance, and now because Jo “always saw him as gay”, to some people the series has now become about pedophilia and “pushing the gay agenda”. Come on. Seriously. COME ON.

    As a wrock musician, Harry Potter fan, father, relative to gay people, and friend of gay people, I really wanted to just express my sentiment by calling it a “non-issue” which in reality, should really be the case. People shouldn’t be up in arms about this. People shouldn’t be burning the books because of this. People shouldn’t be taking away their children’s books, that they are reading instead of playing video games or whining that they’re bored, because of the background of one character that’s not even close to being essential to the story as a whole. People should be recognizing that the world is made of different people, and different things, and just because you may not agree with it, doesn’t mean it’s not good or it’s evil.

  3. Lizz Avatar

    I agree. Mm hmm. =)

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