Under-Appreciated Song of the Week

This week’s pick is for all the Percy haters. The band Gred and Forge have released a “prefect” Percy anthem called “Percy is a Prat.” It’s a song that tells everyone why Percy is a prat and has a slight incapability to have fun, for example the line “instead of playing quidditch, Percy would write a quidditch report.” Who doesn’t love a song that completely rips Percy apart?

If there’s a song you would like to suggest, contact us via email at wizrocklopedia@yahoo.com.

  1. Tess Avatar

    yayyyy, I LOVE this song. and that’s my favorite line ever. I like to scream it every time I listen to this song.

  2. Kristen Avatar

    Haha, love that song.

  3. Sandhya Avatar

    I have that on my iTunes and its always in my recently played playlist.

  4. Leila Avatar

    it’s a fun song, I like it.

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