Category: Snobby Sundays

  • Snobby Sundays: Buckbeak’s Flight

    Welcome back to Snobby Sundays! Today we continue gallivanting around the world, this time heading out to Australia for today’s band – Buckbeak’s Flight. You’ll notice that I haven’t yet indulged in my habit of binge-linking to things, because unfortunately, while a page on MySpace still exists for this band, all content was taken down…

  • Snobby Sundays: The HMS Wolfstar

    Hello, and welcome to Snobby Sundays! Please, allow me to introduce myself: I am the Wrock Snob, from the renowned world-famous site The Wrock Snob. Well, the moderately well-known in a community of people who like music about wizards blog, but close enough. Every other Sunday, I will be reaching into my snobby depths, and…

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